Oklahoma Research Day
Now in its 19th year, Oklahoma Research Day is a premier annual event celebrating student and faculty research, creative, and scholarly activities. The event has grown in numbers and in stature with contributions from all of Oklahoma's institutions of higher education, including many collaborative contributions from national and international academic and research institutions.
The 2017 Oklahoma Research Day event in Enid had more than 1,000 registered students, faculty, and guests and featured more than 550 unique poster presentations.
Northwestern Oklahoma State University is proud to once again host Oklahoma Research Day in Enid. Details concerning directions to the Central National Bank Center, the city of Enid, local restaurants, and parking will become available to participants via a mobile app in February 2018.
Check this webpage and the official Oklahoma Research Day webpage for updates about the app.
Date & Location
ORD 2018 will be held at the Central National Bank Center (301 S. Independence Ave., Enid, OK 73701) on March 9, 2018. Schedule is available below.
Registration for Oklahoma Research Day 2018 is available until 11:59 p.m., Wednesday, January 31, 2018. To register as a submitting author, co-author/presenter, or attendee, log in or create an account with Oklahoma Research Day. If you're an author or co-author, we'll need information like your name, institutional affiliation, project title, and abstract. Once you register, you should receive an immediate confirmation email.
Poster Guidelines
Posters cannot exceed 2,025 square inches (i.e., 45" tall x 45" wide). Please correspond with the person who will be printing your poster before you begin creating it. Typically, poster printers use 42" paper and allow, excluding margins, for 41.6" of printable space. Although a 45" square poster is allowed, the poster printers at your university may not be able to print that size of poster.
In the past, participants have had success using Microsoft PowerPoint to create their poster by following the steps below:
1. Open Microsoft PowerPoint and select "Design" from the top navigation bar;
2. Then select "Page Setup";
3. In the Page Setup box, enter the Width in inches (no more than 45");
4. In the Page Setup box, enter the Height in inches (no more than 45");
5. Save your slide to preserve your dimensions.
Although you are not required to upload a poster, we encourage you to upload it for archiving purposes. If you upload a poster, anyone who is searching through the submitted abstracts after the event will be able to view your poster via the Oklahoma Research Day website. You can upload your poster anytime before abstract submission closes or after the event. The electronic version of your poster cannot exceed 2 MB in size and must be either in .pdf or .jpg format.
Abstract Guidelines
Your title must be less than 200 characters. When formatting your title, capitalize all words with the exception of words with three letters or less. For Example: "The Diffusion of Information Communication Technologies at the Local Level of Government."
Your abstract should be no more than 1,500 characters. Use a word processing program to type your abstract and rely on the word count function to verify the number of characters with spaces. In addition, allow the word processing program to check for misspellings.
Your abstract should include:
1. Objective of the research;
2. Thesis or hypothesis;
3. Methodology or approaches to address the thesis or hypothesis; and
4. Summary fo the findings or relevant results associated with the project.
Examples of successful abstracts can be found in Oklahoma Research Day's Abstract Archives.
Once the registration period has ended, all projects' abstract numbers will be listed in the Official Guidebook. Abstract numbers are a series of digits interspersed with decimal points; those abstract numbers ending in an even digit (2, 4, 6, 8, 0) will present their posters during session one, and those abstract numbers ending in an odd digit (1, 3, 5, 7, or 9) will present their posters during session two. Following is a tentative schedule for Oklahoma Research Day:
8:00-9:30 a.m.: Registration
8:00-9:00 a.m.: Continental Breakfast
8:45-9:00 a.m.: Poster Setup - Session One (EVEN NUMBERS)
9:00-10:30 a.m.: Poster Presentations - Sessions One (EVEN NUMBERS)
10:30-10:45 a.m.: Poster Setup - Session Two (ODD NUMBERS)
10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.: Poster Presentations - Session Two (ODD NUMBERS)
12:15 p.m.: Poster Breakdown
12:30-3:00 p.m.: Banquet, Luncheon, and Keynote Speech
Official Guidebook
The official guidebook will be released in the weeks after the registration period closes. Check back in February 2018 for updates.
Keynote Speech
Oklahoma Research Day's 2018 keynote speech will be delivered by Dr. Tyrone B. Hayes, Professor of Integrative Biology at the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Hayes' research "focuses on the role of steroid hormones in amphibian development." To learn about Dr. Hayes' research, check out his faculty profile.
Oklahoma Research Day's Sponsors
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE)
Oklahoma Experimental Program for Stimulating Competitive Research (EPSCor)
Idea Network for Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE)-National Institutes of Health
Cameron University
East Central University
Langston University
Northeastern State University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
University of Central Oklahoma
Social Media
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter: @OKResearchDay.
Contact Us
If you have further questions about Oklahoma Research Day 2018, submit a query OR contact a committee member:
Dr. Shawn Holliday, ORD 2018 chair