Miss Northwestern and Miss Northwestern's Teen
To view the 2025 Miss Northwestern and Miss Northwestern's Teen Program, click here.
Meet Our Miss Northwestern, Northwestern's Teen, & Northwestern Star 2025
Jessica Davis (right) was named Miss Northwestern Oklahoma State University 2025. Lawsyn Howard was named Miss Northwestern’s Star 2025 (middle). Madeline Ryerson (left) was crowned as Miss Northwestern’s Teen 2025. |
Contact Information:
Paige Fischer, Executive Director
(580) 327-8533
Miss Northwestern and Northwestern's Teen Competitions
Rehearsal - Saturday, October 26, 2024
Competition - Sunday, October 27, 2024
$10 at the door
$8 in advance at the Business Office
$3 for NWOSU students with current student ID card
Children 5 years old and older will need to have a ticket or pay $10 admission to attend the event; children 4 years old and younger are free.
If you are interested in having Miss Northwestern make an appearance, please contact Paige Fischer at (580) 327-8533 or email at plfischer@nwosu.edu.
2024 Miss Northwestern & Northwestern's Teen Competition Program
Event Information
Rehearsal - Saturday, October 26, 2024
Competition - Sunday, October 27, 2024
Miss Northwestern Eligibility and Requirements
To Be Eligible
Miss Northwestern contestants must be 18 years old by June 1st, 2025 (Miss Oklahoma competition date) and no older than 27 years old by the state competition date (June 1st, 2025).
Must be enrolled in and attending classes on a full-time (12 credit hours) basis prior to the competition at Northwestern Oklahoma State University - including the Alva,
Must be a citizen of the United States of America at the time she enters her first competition. Proof of citizenship must be provided in one of the following forms: certified birth certificate, United States passport, or naturalized citizenship certification.
Must be a high school graduate or have successfully completed the G.E.D. testing program for high school equivalency or have successfully completed the academic requirement for entry into Northwestern Oklahoma State University. Must have a grade point average of 2.7 or above.
To Compete You Must
- Must be 18 years old by June 1st, 2025 (Miss Oklahoma competition date) and no older than 27 years old by the state competition date (June 1st, 2025).
- Be female.
- Have never competed in any National Finals of the Miss America Organization.
- Have never held the title of Miss Northwestern.
- Be a United States citizen.
- Meet character criteria as set forth by the Miss America Organization.
- Be in reasonably good health to meet the requirements as the titleholder.
- Be able to meet the time commitment and responsibilities as set forth by the Miss Northwestern Organization.
- Have never been married and will not get married during the term in which the title is held.
- Have never been pregnant or be the adoptive parent of any child.
- Must
never have been convicted of any criminal offense. - Must not have criminal charges presently pending. Contestant should have never been convicted of a criminal offense, other than a minor traffic violation.
- Must not use or consume any illegal controlled dangerous substances or abuse the use of alcohol or other dangerous substances.
- See contestant contract for additional requirements.
Additional Requirements
Attend the optional Informational Session on August 29th, 2024, at 6pm in Jesse Dunn - Room #205.
Submit Letter of Intent by September 13th, 2024.
- Must register as a Miss America contestant. There is a $39.99 registration fee to register as a Miss America contestant.
- Sell one full page ad for the Miss Northwestern program. All ad information (business cards, photos, money, etc.) must be organized and turned in by October 1st, 2024.
Complete entry forms and all other documents by set due dates. Submit all documents in an organized fashion.
Submit documents to Paige Fischer via email (plfischer@nwosu.edu) or through the website submission forms (if applicable).
Attend photoshoot on campus for competition headshot. Date and time TBD.
- Attend all rehearsals, including the main dress rehearsal on October 26th, 2024.
- Checklist with Due Dates
- Letter of Intent
- Official Entry Form
- Local Contestant Contract
- Talent Clearance Form
- Star Form
- Miss America Contestant Registration
- Rebel Active Wear Order Information
- American Heart Association Information
- Ad Sales Form
Other Required Items
- Birth Certificate
- Headshot (Your headshot photo will be taken on the NWOSU-Alva campus. Photoshoot date is TBD.)
- Proof of registration as a Miss America contestant (cost is $39.99 and must be paid online). Follow this link for REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS.
- Miss Oklahoma Local Contestant Contract (will be emailed to you at a later date)
- Program Ads (business cards, photos, money, etc.)
- Performance Track for Talent (if applicable). Mp3 or Mp4 are the preferred formats.
- Ticket Money (must sell at least 10 tickets to the local competition)
- Miss America Rebel Wear for fitness and health competition. Follow this link for ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS.
Miss Northwestern Forms and Resources
Miss Northwestern Forms and Resources
- Checklist with Due Dates
- Letter of Intent
- Official Entry Form
- Local Contestant Contract
- Talent Clearance Form
- Star Form
- Miss America Contestant Registration
- Rebel Active Wear Order Information
- American Heart Association Information
- Ad Sales Form
Other Required Items
- Birth Certificate
- Headshot (Photoshoot date is TBD and will take place on the NWOSU-Alva campus.)
- Proof of registration as a Miss America contestant (cost is $39.99 and must be paid online). Follow this link for REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS.
- Miss Oklahoma Local Contestant Contract (will be emailed to you at a later date)
- Program Ads (business cards, photos, money, etc.)
- Performance Track for Talent (if applicable). Mp3 or Mp4 are the preferred formats.
- Ticket Money (must sell at least 10 tickets to the local competition)
- Miss America Rebel Wear for the fitness and health competition (follow this link for ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS).
Be A Contestant in the Teen Competition
- Teen contestants must be between 14-18 years old. Teen contestants must be 14 years old by the state competition (June 1st, 2025) and no older than 18 years old by the state competition date (June 1st, 2025).
- Be a female.
- Be a United States citizen.
- Contestant must not now, nor have ever been married, nor be a parent or adoptive parent.
- Have been a resident of Oklahoma for at least six (6) months prior to the first local or state competition.
Miss Northwestern's Teen Paperwork Packet
Scholarships Awarded
Miss Northwestern will receive:
- $1,500 tuition scholarship
- $500 cash scholarship
- Official Oklahoma local competition crown
- Official Oklahoma local competition sash
- Bouquet of roses
First Runner-Up will receive:
$1,250 Tuition Scholarship
Second Runner-Up will receive:
$1,000 Tuition Scholarship
Miss Northwestern Contestants will receive:
- $200 cash participation award
Northwestern's Teen will receive:
- $1,500 tuition scholarship
Teen First Runner-Up will receive:
- $1,250 tuition scholarship
Teen Second Runner-Up will receive:
- $1,000 tuition scholarship
Teen Candidates will receive:
- $200 tuition participation scholarship
Miss Northwestern Stars will receive:
- Official Oklahoma local competition crown
- Goodie bag
Other gifts and prizes to be included!
Community Service Initiative (CSI) Information
Community Service Initiative (CSI)
Your Community Service Initiative (CSI) will be your initiative on which you will work, alongside the Miss Local and Miss Oklahoma Organization, during your Year of Service. This submission allows you to explain to the local judges your subject matter choice, how you choose to advocate for it during your year and the metrics you see for success at the close of your Year of Service. In addition, it should explain how your advocacy will further the Miss Local/Miss Oklahoma/Miss America Organization mission.
This page ONE (1) page, singled-spaced document, combined with the Candidate’s Fact Sheet, will comprise your entire application for this job. The judges will receive exactly what is submitted. Any items that do not meet the criteria or are submitted after the deadline will not be given to the judges. If your CSI arrives on the day of the deadline, but does not meet the criteria, there will not be time to return it to you; therefore, it will not be given to the judges. The candidate may explain the lack of judging materials during her interview, if she so chooses.
Miss America's Community Service Initiative (CSI) is an integral part of the interview phase of competition, supporting one fo the branded elements of Miss America as outlined by the "Four Points" of the crown. The "Four Points" are Style, Scholarship, Service, and Success. CSI is specific to the SERVICE point of the crown.
The CSI initiative allows you, as a participating contestant, to showcase and deploy your interests and creativity, to outline a plan or effort to engage within your local community or state existing programs. You may also design your own program for your community or state.
This ONE page submission in san-serif font style of your choice, font sizes from 11-14 only, should include the following:
- A description of your Community Service Initiative passion or interest
- Why you chose this particular initiative
- How you've partnered or will partner with local/state communities to create momentum
- Any social media or marketing strategies that will best support your CSI
- Any activities you have planned or participated in with respect to this CSI
Use of Graphics:
At the local level, you may use "header only" graphics approximately 1/2 inch from the top of the 8.5 x 11 page. Graphics may include existing organizations' logos, taglines, or other creative efforts. You may use bullet points within your long form essay. Your local/state organization may decide to have you submit your CSI single page electronically, via a form rather than a PDF, through a portal, or other options.
Signature and Date:
Please signs and date your submission at the bottom right-hand corner and include your local title (Miss Northwestern). No submissions to be verified without signature.
Due date is October 1st, 2024. The CSI must be submitted electronically to plfischer@nwosu.edu. You will also need to submit 7 signed/dated hard copies of your CSI to Paige at Herod Hall 105.
Community Service Initiative (CSI) Example
Name: Jane Smith
Title: Miss Local
Celebrating Cultural Diversity and Inclusiveness
It is imperative that this nation face and embrace its cultural diversity. While many people have talked about this issue, I believe that most of them have only paid lip service to the true necessity of what needs to be addressed related to this issue. There is a false truth in merely accepting and tolerating cultural diversity. I intend to prove that in order to accept and understand people of other cultures; one must be willing to step out of a personal cultural comfort zone and identify the origin of their prejudice. I will specifically focus on three areas: Children, Communities, and Businesses.
The title of Miss America, combined with the national media already looking at the surface of this issue, will allow me to create the national awareness that must exist. Currently, the term “Cultural Diversity” is well known in the halls of institutions of higher learning and, perhaps, even in the public-school classroom because of the need for some to be politically correct. But, in order for us to make a true change in attitudes and behaviors of Americans, we must move beyond talk and into action and policy changes.
My plan is to motivate the media and to partner with the National Conference for Community and Justice. This organization has chapters in every major city in the nation and, in many cases, those chapters have community leaders involved who can, with encouragement and challenging, bring this issue out of hiding and into the public light in each of those communities.
Obviously, the media and the NCCJ already exist. However, what is lacking is a lightening rod to draw attention to this issue. This is where the Miss America Organization steps into the lead. What better role is there for Miss America than to be an agent of change in organizing our nation to accept our differences and to create an environment that values each person on individual characteristics rather than on stereotypes or assumptions?
For years, Miss America was seen as a young woman who cut ribbons and appeared in parades. It is time for “Miss America” to step out of the convertible and lead the parade. Our country’s ethnic make-up is changing rapidly and our citizen’s fear of terrorism can explode already existing, but deeply hidden prejudices. I want to be the leader that this nation needs.
This nation needs this issue addressed now and through the already existing NCCJ and its local and state organizations combined with the power of Miss America, we can make a concrete difference now, which will change the direction and the future of our nation.
Interview Fact Sheet Information
Local Contestant Interview Fact Sheet Information
This is your opportunity to demonstrate to the judges why they should consider you for the job at your local and for the job of Miss Oklahoma. This one-page fact sheet, combined with the CSI, will comprise your entire application for this job. The judges will receive exactly what is submitted.
Instructions for Contestant's Interview Fact Sheet
- Fact sheet - one (1) page only - single sided
- San serif fonts in sizes 11-14 only
- Margins to be set at standard 1"
- Single line spaced, typed responses
- May not include any attachments
- May not include any graphics or photos
- The following must be included on your fact sheet:
- Name
- Local Title
- School Attending or Graduated
Please see sample below.
Due date is October 1st, 2024. The interview fact sheet must be submitted electronically to plfischer@nwosu.edu. You will also need to submit 7 hard copies of your fact sheet to Paige at Herod Hall 105.
Judging Criteria/Scoring Percentages
Competition and Judging
Scoring Percentages for Local Competition
- Private Interview = 30%
- Talent/HERStory = 20%
- Fitness and Health = 20%
- Evening Gown = 20%
- On-Stage Conversation (Question) = 10%
Private Interview
- Wardrobe: Contestant's choice - stylish interview attire (age appropriate)
- Miss interviews are 10 minutes long, which includes a 30-second opening statement. Teen interviews are 8 minutes long, which includes a 30-second opening statement.
- Procedures:
- A podium will be used; the contestant will be standing during the interview.
- Each contestant is introduced by a Miss Northwestern committee member and will take her position and immediately present a brief 30-second introduction/CSI overview. Once the CSI/intro is completed, the panelists will begin the interview.
- For Miss interviews, at the 9 minute and 30 second mark, the timekeeper will ring a bell to indicate 30 seconds remaining for the interview. The contestant may choose to use the time to finish her response to the last question or proceed with a closing statement.
- For Teen interviews, at the 7 minute and 30 second mark, the timekeeper will ring a bell to indicate 30 seconds remaining for the interview. The contestant may choose to use the time to finish her response to the last question or proceed with a closing statement.
- Purpose - allows insight into the contestant's:
- Ability to fulfill the qualifications, responsibilities, duties, and term of the titleholder.
- Personal qualities and attributes relevant to the titleholder position.
- Commitment to CSI.
- Ability to express her own beliefs in an authentic and relatable manner.
- Sense of accomplishments/goals above and beyond the fact sheet.
- Spontaneity, intelligence, sense of humor, charm, and charisma.
- Authenticity and ability to answer questions in a conversational, unrehearsed manner.
- Ability to serve as a role model; reflective of her generation.
- Wardrobe: Contestant's choice
- Timing - up to 90-seconds
- Talent must be approve by local director.
- Purpose - allows insight into the contestant's
- Preparatory, performance, or storytelling skills.
- Overall presentation skills and ability to deliver a captivating presentation.
- Interpretive ability and entertainment value relative to the category of performance art.
- Stage presence, on-stage personality, and personal connection to her story.
- Allows a look at the totality of the performance elements of on-stage presentation.
- Ability to capture the attention of an audience while performing on-stage.
Fitness and Health
- Wardrobe: Miss America RED Rebel Wear - specific information on the required outfit will be communicated by Paige Fischer.
- Procedures:
- The organization will present each contestant in a pre-blocked, high energy stage routine with movement and posing.
- Each contestant will not exceed 20-30 seconds.
- No props are allowed.
- Purpose:
- This phase of competition is where the contestant showcases her commitment to health and fitness initiatives. A contestant's discipline and commitment to being physically healthy is a key to success in all other areas of life, and the rigors of representing the Miss America or Miss America's Teen program as a national titleholder.
- Contestant should exhibit energy, confidence, and a commitment to health and fitness.
Evening Gown
- Wardrobe: Contestant's choice of evening wear that is appropriate for a red carpet event.
- Allows Insight into the Contestant's
- Ability to capture attention on stage and individual stage presence.
- Comfort, confidence, and composure.
- Overall impression of ability to represent the Miss America or Miss America's Teen Organization at a high-profile event.
- Scoring is based on how the contestant carries herself/performs in this phase of competition, not on the actual gown she is wearing or the perceived cost of that gown.
On-Stage Conversation (Question)
- Wardrobe: You will wear the same outfit you wear for the opening number for the on-stage conversation (question).
- Question: This will be a single question asked on-stage regarding the contestant's community service initative (CSI). The response from the contestant should not be longer than 20 seconds.
- Allows Insight into the Contestant's:
- Commitment to the service point of the crown.
- Unique perspective on community service and its local impact.
- Desire to create interest in her community service initiatives.
- Brings the interview to the stage in an interactive, engaging way to showcase each contestant.
- Highlights intelligence, personality, charisma, and aptitude for the titleholder's opportunity.
- Allows a look at the sense of composure in presenting ideas on-stage.
- Allows a look at interactivity with the panelists and the audience.
FAQs about Miss Northwestern
Frequently Asked Questions
What outfits will I need in order to compete in the Miss Northwestern Scholarship Competition?
- Opening Outfit - TBD
- Talent Outfit - Gown or Costume
- Health and Fitness - Miss America RED Rebel Wear is required. You may wear any white tennis shoes.
- Evening Gown
- Interview Outfit - For the day of the interview only. Wear an outfit that you would wear to a job interview.
Is there a list of items that I should have with me in my dressing room for the night of the event?
- Makeup
- Fresh firm grip/duct tape
- Baby wipes
- Hair brush, comb, hair pins
- Vitamins/aspirin/any prescribed medications needed
- Q-tips, cotton balls, Kleenex
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Safety pins
- Power strip
- Hair tools (curling iron, flat iron, etc.)
- Hair spray
- Personal hygiene items
- Towel/washcloths
- Robe
- Comfortable shoes
- Proper undergarments for all outfits
- Water
Be sure to label all of your items!
What will the judges be looking for in selecting the next Miss Northwestern?
The judges will be looking for someone who can fulfill the job description of Miss Northwestern and the potential next Miss Oklahoma:
- Well-spoken with exceptional communication skills and grammar
- Intelligent
- Talented
- Genuine
- Enthusiastic
- Charismatic
- Energetic
- Approachable
- Innovative
- Competent
- Organized
- Flexible
- Team player
- Articulate
- Professional at all times
- Engaging with people of all ages and backgrounds
- Positive role model
- Ready to execute her CSI each day
- Understands and uses social media strategically, responsibly, and tactically
Miss Northwestern History
Competition History
The Miss Northwestern Organization provides a personal and professional opportunity for Northwestern Oklahoma State University young women to promote their voice in culture, politics, and the community. The competition empowers young women to achieve their personal and professional goals, and provides a forum in which to express their opinions, talents, and intelligence.
Who is Miss Northwestern?
The Miss Northwestern Competition attracts the most intelligent, highly motivated, and community-oriented young women Northwestern Oklahoma State University has as students. All young women meeting the age and other requirements are eligible to compete from all three of Northwestern's campuses.
Source of Scholarship Funds
The competition was revived in 2001 from an 18-year absence through the cooperative effort of the Northwestern Leadership Trust, Northwestern Oklahoma State University, and community involvement. Tuition scholarship awards are funded through the Northwestern Foundation. Cash scholarship awards are funded through the Northwestern Leadership Trust and community involvement at Northwestern Oklahoma State University.
For More Information
For more information concerning the Miss Northwestern Organization or if you wish to schedule an appearance by Miss Northwestern, contact Paige Fischer, Executive Director, plfischer@nwosu.edu.