Chemistry Club
The Chemistry club is a place to be involved and have fun. The club does fundraisers and participates in campus events like the Haunted House and take American Chemical Society (ACS) trips for those who want to learn more about the chemical field and broaden their job horizons. The Chemity clubs take an annual camping trip.
Dr. Jason Wickham, advisor
(580) 327-8560
Dr. Cornelia Mihai, advisor
(580) 327-8559
Meeting Times:
The 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at 6:00 P.M. in SC 102
President: Katrina Betz
Vice President: Trevor Montgomery
Secretary: Kathryn Baugh
Treasurer: Clarissa Wiley
Historian: Siona Walsh
Club's Constitution
Article I. Name
The name of the organization shall be Chem Club.
Article II. Objectives of the Organization
The objectives of the organization shall be:
- To give the chemistry student, or anyone else that would want to join, an opportunity to see the world of chemistry.
- To promote exchange between students studying chemistry and the chemical sciences.
- To strengthen the confidence of the students in themselves and in their work by developing competencies in communications, human relations, and other social abilities leading to the intelligent choice of a career and successful employment in any field including the chemical industry.
- To provide programs and activities which will develop responsibility, leadership, organization, and citizenship.
- To provide outreach to the community and university through volunteer projects, demonstrations for local elementary and secondary schools, seminars, and other learning projects.
- To provide field trips to places of employment for chemists to establish possibilities of employment for future chemists.
Article III. Organization
NWOSU Chem Club is the organization of, by, and for students enrolled in chemistry courses and anyone else who wants to be involved in the activities of the Chem Club.
Article IV. Membership
Membership in the Chem Club shall be for one school calendar year (August to May).
To become a member and retain membership, a student must:
- While in school, be enrolled in at least one course during the school year at Northwestern Oklahoma State University and/or follow a planned course of study.
- Show an interest in the affairs of the organization by attending meetings and participating in other organized activities of the club.
- Pay all current membership dues by the date determined by the club.
- Display conduct consistent with the ideals and purposes of the Chem Club.
Article V. Club Officers
Officers serve a vital function in the Chem Club. By taking a major leadership role, these students grow from the experience and benefit the club. It should be the officers' goal to lead by example and encourage other members to participate in club/campus activities. The offices of the Chem Club shall be: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary/Reporter. Club officers shall be elected annually by the members present at any regular meeting of the chapter. The following are general duties expected of all officers.
- A genuine desire to be a part of a leadership team.
- A willingness to accept responsibility.
- A sincere desire to work with all club members in meeting their leadership, career, and personal goals.
- A commitment to lead by example.
- A knowledge and understanding of the club's organization.
Specific Duties for Each Office:
- Preside over meetings according to rules of parliamentary procedure.
- Coordinate the activities of the club.
- Prepare the agenda for each club meeting.
- Represent the chapter in public relations and official functions.
- Assume all duties of the president if necessary.
- Work closely with the president and advisor to assess progress toward meeting club goals.
- Post upcoming activities for the club and announce them at meetings.
- Receive, record and deposit funds and issue receipts.
- Collect dues and special assessments.
- Present monthly treasurer's reports at club meetings.
- Maintain a neat and accurate book.
- Maintain a neat and accurate book.
- Prepare and present the minutes of each club meeting.
- Maintain member attendance and activity records.
- Release news and information to campus news media.
- Take photos of club activities for Chem Club Scrapbook.
- Supervise club activities year-round.
- Inform prospective students about the Chem Club.
- Instruct students in leadership and personal development.
- Build school and community support for the program.
- Encourage involvement of all club members in activities.
- Provide continuity to the group and be available as a resource.
- Be familiar with the NWOSU policies and procedures.
- Provide the club with information needed to reach organizational goals.
- Attend meetings sponsored by the club.
- Assist with accounting procedures and annual registration.
- Be available as a facilitator and resource person for the group.
- Sign all requisitions or checks for purchases.
Article VI. Meetings
The current president or sponsor shall set meetings for the Chem Club. The current president of the Chem Club will conduct the meetings.
Article VII. Dues
Annual membership dues of the Chem Club shall be established by the sponsor and/or governing body. The membership year of the Chem Club shall be from August 15 to May 15.
Article VIII. Amendments
The Chem Club governing body must submit proposed amendments to the Chem Club Constitution in writing to the organization for review.