Service Learning/Civic Engagement (SLICE)
Service Learning/Civic Engagement
The Service Learning and Civic Engagement (SL/CE) program strives to advance co-curricular participation in service learning and civic engagement in all degree programs, throughout standing campus organizations, and within the communities served by the university.
Our goal is to assist students in discovering an educational experience that will provide a service to our community and training for students within the realm of their individual degree focus.
Our objective is to supply faculty with the resources and tools needed to create and maintain a service learning course and correlate the course material to the student's service.
Our purpose is to bridge the connection between the service opportunities provided by the community partners of the Northwest Oklahoma region and students seeking a service learning or civic engagement experience.
Contact Information
Kaylyn Hansen
Service Learning Coordinator
Herod Hall Second Floor
(580) 327-8150
What is SL/CE?
SL/CE is an educational experience in which students participate in the organization and execution of service activities that address campus and community involvement. The following characteristics serve to enhance faculty, student, and community partners' understanding of this concept:
As an educational experience, SL/CE meets academic learning objectives (spelled out in the syllabus).
- Involves experience with a community-based organization suitable for promoting civic learning.
- Incorporates voluntary reflection by students in order to gain better understanding of the material they are studying.
- Results in students having a greater appreciation of the discipline they are studying.
- Based upon principles of a campus-community partnership and reciprocity.
The goal is to enhance or better the community, while increasing the students' sense of civic responsibility and engagement.
Student Information
How does SL/CE benefit students?
- Students involved in service learning and civic engagement generally have a higher grade point average than students who choose not to participate.
- Service learning increases retention of course's subject matter and decreases student drop rates.
- Service learning strengthens analytical and critical thinking skills.
- Students have the opportunity to gain real world experience while learning their coursework and building their resumes.
- Students can become involved in assisting with an issue that is affecting their community.
- SL/CE teaches citizenship and social responsibility skills that can last a lifetime.
- Students participating in a service learning designated course or a club/organization contributing hours towards a civic engagement project/event are eligible to be nominated for The deSERVING Ranger Award presented by certificate each spring semester.
Student Co-curricular Service Learning Activities
Student Co-curricular Service Learning Activity Benefits
- SL/CE promotes your civic engagement or volunteer project.
- SL/CE enhances your project by forming a partnership with other clubs/organizations or a course.
- If your club/organization is currently looking for a civic engagement of a volunteer project, SL/CE can help you find an engagement/project and make connections.
- Submitting Post-Project Reports automatically nominates the organization for awards which are presented each fall semester.
Student Co-curricular Service Learning Activities Post-Project Report Form (Please submit one report per extracurricular project/event.)
Faculty Information
Faculty Benefits
- Service learning supplements the educational experience being provided by the instructors.
- Service learning allows the faculty to give back to the community through their students.
- Service learning provides an opportunity for the community to view the faculty as a resource.
- Service learning components in curriculum gives students the opportunity to connect classroom theory and practice to a community need.
- Service learning brings the community into the classroom.
- Service learning increases student retention by helping them develop a sense of community within the classroom.
- Submitting the Community-Based Course Follow-up form automatically nominates Service Learning faculty for four SL/CE awards presented by certificates at the NWOSU Faculty/Staff Recognition ceremony each November.
Ready to submit your course for consideration as a service learning course? See the information and forms below!
Submit a Service Learning Course Approval Form
Service Learning is a structured learning experience that combines community service with explicit learning objectives, preparation, and reflection. Students involved in service learning are expected not only to provide community service but also to learn about the context in which the service is provided, the connection between the service and their academic coursework, and their role as citizens.
Complete the Course Approval Form above prior to offering the class.
The SL/CE Committee will review the completed form. They will approve the course or return it to the instructor with instructions for modification. Download a copy of the SLICE Committee Rubric for Service Learning Course Designation checklist to use as a guide.
For questions regarding the completion of the form or approval process please contact the Service Learning Coordinator at (580) 327-8150 or email at servicelearning@nwosu.edu.
Service Learning Course Development Materials
- SL/CE Faculty Handbook
- Resources:
- What is the difference between Service Learning and Volunteering(Vanderbilt University)
- Campus Compact Grant Presentation Democracy Now (PDF)
- Five Stages of Service Learning (Education Week)
- What is Service Learning or Community Engagement (Vanderbilt University)
- Best Practies for Service Learning Syllabi (Misericordia University)
- Engaging the Student Athlete (Campus Compact)
- Service Learning Courses and Syllabi (Northern Illinois University)
- Examples of Service Learning Courses and Syllabi (University of Indianna-Bloomington)
- Campus Compact Syllabi Templates
- Public History Project (Ken Kelsey-NWOSU)
- Service Learning and Civic Journalism in University Curriculum (Melanie Wilderman-NWOSU)
Community-Based Learning Course Follow-up Form
Please complete this form to help the Office of Service Learning/Civic Engagement track data and information about your service learning course. The information submitted is reported to Campus Compact.
If your course has already been given the Service Learning (SL) designation, this form must be submitted at the end of every semester the course is offered to continue receiving the designation.
Student Service-Site Form
Community Partner Evaulation Form
SL/CE Courses by Degree
Service learning courses offered by degree:
3950 Business Society and Government
1214 Introduction to Plant Sciences
Agriculture Education
1214 Introduction to Plant Sciences
4960 Student Teaching/Internship
3011 Science Fair Judging
Biology: Health Science
3011 Science Fair Judging
Biology: Natural Science
3011 Science Fair Judging
Business Administration
3950 Business Society and Government
3011 Science Fair Judging
Computer Science
3101 C-STEM Investigations
Computer Science Information Systems Option
3101 C-STEM Investigations
Criminal Justice: Corrections
4703 Criminal Justice Internship
Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement
4703 Criminal Justice Internship
Early Childhood Education
3313 Chirldren's Literature
4203 Elementary Creative Activities
Elementary Education
4960 Student Teaching/Internship
3513 Technical Writing
English Education
4960 Student Teaching/Internship
Health and Sports Sciences: Option I (Education)
4960 Student Teaching/Internship
Health and Sports Sciences: Option II Fitness Management (Non-Education)
4233 Internship I
4402 Historic Preservation
4422 Public History
History: Global Studies
4412 Museum Studies
1013 Habitudes
Mass Communication
3463 Introduction to Strategic Communication
3101 C-STEM Investigations
Mathematics Education
4960 Student Teaching/Internship
Music: Option I Vocal
2101 Concert Choir
Music: Option II Instrumental
2121 University Band
Music Education: Option I Vocal
4960 Student Teaching/Internship
Music Education: Option II Instrumental
4960 Student Teaching/Internship
Natural Science Education
3011 Science Fair Judging
3037 Nursing Care of the Adult I
3226 Nursing Care in Mental Health
Political Science
4703 Public Service Internship
4261 Field Experience
Social Science Education
4960 Student Teaching/Internship
Social Work
2121 Service Learning in Social Work
4703 Sociology Internship
3113 Penisnular Spanish American Culture
Special Education
4203 Elementary Creative Activities
Speech and Theatre
1441 Theatre Production I
For more information, refer to the Undergraduate Catalog.
SL/CE Work-Study Positions
The Higher Education Act (HEA) states that one of the purposes of the FWS program is “…to encourage students receiving Federal student financial assistance to participate in community service activities that will benefit the Nation and engender in the students a sense of social responsibility and commitment to the community.” At NWOSU seven percent of the federal work study allocations are designated toward community service.
The following postions on campus have been designated as community service positions:
- Project HELP (Hispanic Educational Language Program)
- KNSU Radio Station
- Community Bulletin Board Operator for NWTV
- America Reads through the School of Professional Studies
- NWOSU Museum
- Wellness Center
- Alva Recreation Complex
For more information about the Federal Work Study program contact the NWOSU Financial Aid Office.
SL/CE Committee
The SL/CE Committee was formed as a standing committee in September of 2005 and meets regularly to address the following charge:
- Define service learning and civic engagement for Northwestern Oklahoma State University.
- Define a mission statement for the SL/CE committee.
- Distinguish the characteristics of service learning and how it differs from civic engagement.
- Explore ways to incorporate the philosophy of service learning and civic engagement into the university's curriculum and into its student organizations.
- Document the activities, in which departments/divisions are currently engaged, that qualify as service learning.
- Identify ways to ensure departmental buy in.
- Establish ways to document service learning/civic engagement activities.
- Promote awareness of service learning/civic engagement opportunities.
- Maintain a service learning/civic engagement page on Northwestern's website.
The contents of the SL/CE web pages represent the products of the committee's work.
SL/CE Committee Members
Members- Kaylyn Hansen (Chair), Dr. KeEra Byrd, Dr. Jerry Gustafson, Dr. Mathew Lambert, Dr. Piper Robida, Derek Trabuc, Madeline Long (Student Representative)
SL/CE Community Partners
If you would like to join the list below and partner with us and our students for volunteer opportunities at your organization please contact the appropriate SL/CE member:
Alva: |
Enid: |
Woodward: |
Or fill out the Service Learning Community Partner Submission form online to let us know you'd like to partner with us!
Organization Business Phone/Web Address
Alva Arts Alliance, 580-327-7649
Alva Chamber of Commerce, 580-327-1647
Alva Community Theatre, 580-327-0622
Alva Counseling Center, 580-327-2755
Alva Ministerial Alliance, 580-327-2571
Alva Mural Society, 580-327-1612
Alva Public Library, 580-327-1833
Alva Public Schools, 580-327-4823
Alva Recreational Complex, 580-327-6111
Alva Senior Citizens Club, 580-327-1822
Alva Wesleyan Church Food Bank, 580-327-2636
Bill Johnson Correctional Center, 405-425-2500
Business & Professional Women, 580-327-5376
CASA - Court Appointed Special Advocate, 800-742-2272
Cherokee Strip Museum, 580-327-2030
City of Alva, 580-327-1340 ext. 28
Freedom West, 580-327-2150
Graceful Arts Center, 580-327-2787
Headstart, 580-327-6658
J.R.Holder Wellness Center, 580.327.8100
Nescatunga Arts Council, 580-327-2467
Northwest Center for Behavioral Health, 580-327-1112
Northwest Domestic Crisis Center, 580-327-6648
Northwest Family Services, 580-327-2900
NWOSU Library, 580-327-8574
NWOSU Museum of Natural History, 580-327-8566 or 8673
Oklahoma Department of Human Services, 580-430-3100
Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services, 580-327-1214
Opportunities Outreach, 580-327-4912
Senior Citizen Center, 580-327-1822
Share Medical Center, 580-430-3360
Wesley House Food Bank, 580-327-2046
Woods County Department of Health, 580-327-3192
Woods County Office of Junvenile Affairs, 580-327-3451
4RKids, (580) 237-7890
American Red Cross-Cimarron Valley Chapter, 237-5994
ATS Counseling Focus Institute, 580-242-4673
Autry Technology Center (Coach-a-Kid), (580) 327-0821
CASA, 580-242-1153
Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center, 580-237-1907
Coolidge Elementary - Reading, 580-366-7550
Department of Human Services-Enid, 580-548-2100
Enid Arts Council, enidartscouncil@gmail.com
Enid Public Library, 580-234-6313
Enid SPCA, 580-233-1325
Evergreen Life Services, 877-243-4021
Garfield County Commissioners, 580-237-0227
Gaslight Theatre, 580-234-2307
Girl Scouts-Western Oklahoma, Inc., 580-237-2187
Greater Enid Chamber of Commerce, 580-237-2494
Hope Outreach, 580-237-4800
Leonardo's Children's Museum, 580-233-2787
Loaves and Fishes, 580-540-9830
Millennium Healthcare, 580-297-5125
Oklahoma Blood Institute, 580-233-9323
Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation, 580-233-0244
Railroad Museum of Oklahoma, 580-233-3051
Salvation Army, 580-237-1910
United Way, 580-237-0821
YMCA, 580-237-4645
Youth & Family Services, 580-233-7220
YWCA, 580-234-7581
American Red Cross, 580-256-3828
CASA Court Appointed Special Advocate, 800-742-2272
First Baptist Church, 580-256-2837
High Plains Outreach Center, 580-254-5162
Hospice, 580-254-9275
Hospital Auxiliary, 580-254-8676
Literacy Council, 580-254-8582
Northwest Domestic Crisis Services, 580-256-1215
Panhandle Nutrition, 580-254-2389
Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum, 580-256-6136
Pregnancy Center, 580-254-2805
Relay for Life, 580-227-7449
United Methodist Circle of Care, 405-530-2078
Western Plains Youth and Family Services, 580-256-8931
Woodward Community Pantry, 580-256-2831
Woodward Public Schools, 580-256-6063
WOOF, 580-256-3320
All Fired Up: Gallery and Art Center (Guymon), 580-338-4278
ATS Counseling Focus Institute (Hennessey, Kingfisher), 580-242-4673
ATS Counseling Focus Institute (Tulsa), 918-986-1605
Big Five Community Services Inc. Head Start (Guymon) 580-338-6624
Draper Farms Headquarters (Guymon), 580-338-3333
Guymon Community Theatre (Guymon), 580-338-0019
Guymon Public Library and Arts Center (Guymon), 580-338-7330
Kiowa Recycling Center (Kiowa, KS), 620-409-0036
Loaves and Fishes Food Cupboard (Guymon), 580-338-0008
No Man's Land Historical Society (Guymon), 580-349-2670
Northwest Center for Behavioral Health (Guymon), 580-338-5851
Northwest Domestic Crisis Services (Guymon), 580-338-2780
Northwest Substance Abuse Treatment Center (Waynoka), 580-824-0674
Oaks of Mamre (Guymon), 580-338-5067
Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services (Guymon), 580-338-2043
Stamp Out Starvation (Cherokee), 580-748-1785
Texas County Department of Human Services (Guymon), 580-338-8592
Texas County Health Department (Guymon), 580-338-8544
Texas County Family TMCA (Guymon, 580-468-9622
Utica Park Clinic, (Tulsa) 918-579-3627
Western Plains Youth and Family Services (Guymon), 580-338-2117
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Oklahoma, 405-286-4000
Oklahoma Department of Human Services, http://www.okdhs.org
Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services, http://www.okrehab.org/
Oklahoma Humane Society, 405-286-1229, ext. 1
Co-Curricular at Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Co-Curricular refers to activities, program and experiences that provide learning opportunities that happen outside of the classroom. The co-curricular programs are tailored to the mission of Northwestern Oklahoma State University. The co-curricular areas of focus include:
- Ethical Leadership
- Service
- Fiscal Responsibility
- Critical Thinking
Co-Curricular Survey Results