Email Access
All Northwestern students are given a Northwestern email account. You can access this email account online as shown by the instructions below. Please read the acceptable use and password policies before accessing your account. Use your full email address and password to log on.
Student Email Access
Employee Email Access: Use your full email address and password
Copy and paste these directions into a Word Document and follow them carefully. Then, close ALL browser windows, including this one.
Open your browser and go to www.nwosu.edu.
Click EMail Access under the Resources dropdown link. Scroll down and click Student EMail Access.
This should take you to a login page with Office 365 in the upper left corner.
If your email address is on the right side, click the X to the right of it to remove it.
Now you can retype your email address. It is important that you remove it and retype it.
Type your password. You should now be logged on.
Your username is the first part of your email address (all lowercase): Example: jmdoe12
Your password will be your first initial, last initial, 8 digit date of birth, !. Example - if your name is Jane Doe and your birthdate is April 17, 1998, your password will be jd04171998! The letters in your default password will be lower case.
New password requirements are as follows:
- 6-9 characters
- must contain:
- upper case letter
- lower case letter
- number
- cannot have any special characters
- cannot have part of your name
For questions regarding email access contact Dalton Moser at ddmoser@nwosu.edu or (580) 327-8611.