Helpful Videos
How YOU Can Be A Ranger!
Scroll through to see multiple videos on how to become a student at Northwestern.
Apply Online:Apply Online at https://www.nwosu.edu/apply-online |
Deciding A Major:MyMajors Assessment: https: //nwosu.mymajors.com/quiz/? |
Getting Enrolled:NWOSU Recruitment Office Contact Info: |
Using Self-Service:*If you haven't received your student ID number, call (580) 327-8546 |
Housing:Dorm Life Details: /living-on-campus |
NWOSU Email:The e-mail address will be your first initial, middle initial (if provided), last name, and the last 2 digits of your Student ID number. For example, a student named Jane Marie Doe with a Student ID number 0012345 would have the e-mail address jmdoe45@rangers.nwosu.edu. Your Student ID is NOT your Social Security Number. Your password will be the one that you set in Self Service. |
NWOSU Blackboard:For Blackboard, the username will be your Northwestern email address and the password will be the same as your Self-Service password. Make sure you set up Self-Service before logging into Blackboard.
For questions, contact (580) 327-8181 or email help@nwosu.edu |
Office of Recruitment
(580) 327-8546