Graduate Studies
If you are interested in furthering your higher education at Northwestern, we offer master’s degree programs in Education, Counseling Psychology, General Psychology, American Studies, and Heritage Tourism and Conservation – and one doctorate program in Nursing Practice (BSN-to-DNP online).
Shawn Holliday, Ph.D.
Associate Dean of Graduate Studies
Ryerson Hall, Office 212
(580) 327-8589
Melissa Brown, M.Ed
Graduate Studies Enrollment and Retention Coordinator
Ryerson Hall, Office 212
(580) 327-8410
Please contact Mrs. Brown with questions concerning applying to graduate school, enrolling in courses, etc.
Affirmative Action Compliance Statement
This institution, in compliance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008, and other applicable federal laws and regulations, and to the extent required by law, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, physical or mental disability, or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices, or procedures. This includes, but is not limited to, admissions, employment, financial aid, and educational services. Inquiries concerning the application of these programs should be made to Calleb Mosburg, Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, Northwestern Oklahoma State University, 709 Oklahoma Boulevard, Alva, OK 73717, (580) 327-8415.
How to Apply to Graduate School
STEP ONE: Application for Admission https://www.nwosu.edu/apply-online
Application for Readmission /forms/application-for-readmission - (only if you are currently
not enrolled or have sat out more than one semester excluding summer)
STEP TWO: Send in official transcripts (for new or transfer students)
- All official E-Transcripts must be submitted by the issuing institution to Sheri Lahr at sklahr@nwosu.edu or Teri Warren at tlwarren@nwosu.edu to be considered official
- Mail official transcripts to NWOSU-Registrar 709 Oklahoma Blvd. Alva, OK 73717
STEP THREE: Complete the Immunization form /forms/immunization-form
For International Students, please visit: https://www.nwosu.edu/apply-for-admission/international-students for additional requirements.
STEP FOUR: Complete the Application for Specific Program of Study
- Doctor of Nursing Practice (please visit https://www.nwosu.edu/graduate-studies/bsn-to-dnp for additional admission requirements)
- Master of Arts in American Studies
- Master of Arts in Heritage Tourism & Conservation (not an option for international students)
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Psychology: Multiple Options(General Psychology, Counseling, LPC, LADC)\ Deadline for Applications is October 15 for Fall and March 15 for Spring
- Master of Education: Adult Education Management and Administration
- Master of Education: Curriculum and Instruction
- Master of Education: Educational Leadership- School Principal Certification
- Master of Education: Educational Leadership - Certificate Only
- Master of Education: Reading Specialist
- Master of Education: Reading Specialist - Certificate Only
- Master of Education: School Counseling
- Master of Education: School Counseling - Certificate Only
- Superintendent- Certification Only
- Nigerian Graduate Students
- Alternative Pathway Certification
- Non-Degree Seeking Student
Required documents needed for the application process will include the following:
- Unofficial transcripts
- Any current teaching certificate or letter from the Department of Education you may hold (for Master of Education students only, exempt Adult Ed students)
- Statement of aspiration and self-evaluation (Master of General Psychology and Master of Counseling Psychology students only)
- Sample of scholarly written work (Master of General Psychology and Master of Counseling Psychology students only)
- Three letters of recommendation (Master of General Psychology and Master of Counseling Psychology students only)
- Recommendation form for Master of Psychology applicants
- NOTE: Submission of three (3) letters of recommendation attesting to academic ability, professional competency, and personal character is required. Individuals providing a recommendation must complete the online Reference Form wherein they will upload your letter of recommendation. It is your responsibility to ensure that your recommenders receive the Reference Form link and submit the Reference Form by the application deadline. The Reference Form is here: www.nwosu.edu/forms/masters-of-psychology-reference-form.
- Recommendation form for Master of Psychology applicants
Graduate Studies Highlights
- Master of Arts in Heritage Tourism and Conservation degree option for students interested in the conservation/tourism industry
- Master of Arts in American Studies degree option geared toward social sciences and humanities
- Master of Counseling Psychology can lead to Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) or Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC)
- Master of Education degree offers several certificate options within the program
- Doctor of Nursing Practice program is nationally accredited, one of four DNP programs available in Oklahoma
- Non-Oklahoma residents are eligible to receive the GO OK! tuition waiver for a portion of out-of-state costs
PLEASE NOTE that ORIGINAL SIGNATURES of the student and the members of the advisory committee are required prior to submitting the plan of study to the Graduate Office.
No hand-written forms will be accepted by the Office of Graduate Studies.
If you have questions, please contact the Graduate Office at (580) 327-8410 or send an email request to gradstudies@nwosu.edu.
General Forms
- Admission to Degree Candidacy-to be completed between 16-20 hours
- Application for Master's Degree*$25 fee required with graduation application
Graduate Advisory Committee Selection Forms
Students complete the form, requires original signatures of student and committee members
- Master of Arts in American Studies
- Master of Arts in Heritage Tourism & Conservation
- Master of Business Admnistration
- Master of Counseling Psychology
- Master of Science in General Psychology
- Master of Education
Master of Education Disposition Forms (Curriculum & Instruction, Educational Leadership, Reading Specialist, School Counseling and Superintendent Certificate only)
Due concurrently with Milestone 1, 2, and 3 portfolio assessments- can be found in ALCA in your candidate file.
The graduate candidate chooses a faculty member from their current schedule to complete the disposition evaluations. If the current faculty members have previously completed a disposition evaluation on the candidate, then the graduate candidate may go back one (1) semester to ask a different faculty member.
The first disposition evaluation is a self-evaluation by the candidate during EDUC 5010 Graduate Seminar for Milestone 1.
The second disposition evaluation are completed by a faculty member of the graduate candidate’s choice. After completing the disposition assessment, the faculty member will submit it electronically. The second disposition evaluations coincide with Milestone 2.
The third disposition evaluation is completed by:
Educational Leadership – Mentor – Request link from Graduate Office
Reading Specialist – Mentor – Request link from Graduate Office
School Counseling – Mentor – Request link from Graduate Office
Curriculum and Instruction –A faculty member of the graduate candidate’s choice
The third disposition evaluation will be part of Milestone 3.
Additional Disposition Evaluations may occur at any time during a graduate candidate’s education program and are kept in by the Chair of the Education Department.
Plans of Study Forms
NOTE: Only ONE copy is required, but it must have original signatures of advisory committee members.
The forms are fillable PDFs and require Adobe's Acrobat Reader, available free from Adobe.com. The University website, plus fillable PDFs work best using Google Chrome.
No hand-written Plan of Study forms will be accepted by the Office of Graduate Studies.
If you have questions, please contact the Graduate Office at (580) 327-8410 or send an email request to gradstudies@nwosu.edu.
You need to SAVE the fillable PDF before filling it out. PRINT, SIGN, and DATE a copy and gather the signatures of the advisory committee, then forward the completed form to the Office of Graduate Studies.
How to Download and Use an Editable PDF File for Graduate Studies (PDF)
Master of Arts
Master of Business Admnistration
Master of Psychology
Master of Education
Alternative Pathway Certification
Comprehensive Exam Info
Each master's degree student must pass a comprehensive examination at the conclusion of his or her graduate program in order to receive the appropriate master's degree.
Master of Arts in American Studies Candidates are required to pass a multi-question essay exam about the core and elective courses that each candidate has taken. Specific questions will be composed by members of the candidate's graduate advisory committee in consultation with the candidate. The exams will then be graded by committee members with a consensus vote of pass/fail. Approximately one month after the exam, candidates will orally defend their answers at a mutually-agreed-upon date and time with their graduate advisory committees.
Master of Counseling Psychology Candidates are required to pass a multi-question essay exam. The exam is pass/fail, graded with a consensus vote of the advisory committee and/or the psychology department faculty. Candidates must also orally defend their exam answers at a later scheduled date after the exam was taken.
Master of Education candidates must develop and defend an Action Research Project according to guidelines developed by the Division of Education and approved for the graduate program by the Graduate Committee.
Details about the M.A. in American Studies exam, the M.C.P. exam, and the M.Ed. Action Research Project defense can be found in Section 3, pages 13 in the Graduate Catalog.
Graduate Advisory Committee Membership Grid
Graduate Advisory Committee Membership Grid
Revised June 27, 2024
Degree Program |
Chair (select one) |
Members (select two individuals) |
M.A. in American Studies |
S. Holliday, A. Mason, D. Scarbrough, E. Schmaltz |
T. Brown, S. Frye, R. Hardaway, S. Holliday, R. James, M. Jordan, S. Mackie, A. Mason, J. Pittman, K. Rogers, D. Scarbrough, E. Schmaltz |
M.A. in Heritage Tourism & Conservation |
S. Holliday |
S. Mackie, T. Brown, J. Pittman, K. Rogers, D. Scarbrough |
Master of Business Administration |
G. Lahr (Management) L. Collins (HCA) |
B. Evans, J. Paul, J. Stockmyer, R. Brown, T. Allen, W. Zhou |
Master of Counseling Psychology |
T. Randolph, B. Trammell, W. McMillin (Enid students only) |
W. McMillin, T. Randolph, B. Trammell |
Master of Science in General Psychology |
T. Randolph, B. Trammell, W. McMillin (Enid students only) |
W. McMillin, T. Randolph, B. Trammell |
M.Ed., Adult Education Management and Administration |
S. Mackie |
For Sports Administration pathway S. Hansen |
M.Ed., Curriculum & Instruction |
J. Oswald |
M. Braten-Hall, S. Foster, S. Mackie, C. Riley, Y. Buckhaults, R. Kiser |
M.Ed., Educational Leadership |
J. Oswald, C. Riley (Alva only) M. Braten-Hall (Enid/Ponca only) R. Kiser |
M. Braten-Hall, J. Oswald, C. Riley, D. Trabuc, M. Young, W. Stovall, R. Kiser
M.Ed., School Counseling |
C. Riley |
S. Foster, B. Trammell |
M.Ed., Reading Specialist |
J. Oswald |
M. Young, M. Braten-Hall, S. Foster, D. Trabuc, W. Stovall |