Student Services
The office of Student Services is your starting point to experience the full effect of what it means to be a part of the Ranger Family. Whether it’s assisting through the enrollment process, offering unique opportunities for your educational experience, tutoring and counseling, or giving overall information for when, where and how to be involved on campus, we are here for you!
The educational experience at Northwestern encompasses both classroom and extra-curricular learning opportunities. As a student, your active participation in a wide array of educational, cultural, recreational, and social programs will determine the richness of your collegiate experience.
Student Services consists of the following offices and programs to help students:
- Tutoring and testing services are provided by the Academic Success Center in the Industrial Education Building.
- Counseling services are provided by the Office of Counseling and Career Services in Ryerson Hall.
- Student Support Services provides services to qualified students (assist first generation students), first floor of Ryerson Hall.
- Leadership, Academic Success, Superior Outcomes (LASSO) provides assistance and support to all students at Northwestern (academic advising, degree planning and career exploration)
- Campus Police is housed in the Student Center.
- Current student parking decals and IDs are provided in the Student Services Office, first floor of Ryerson Hall.
- International student enrollment and services are provided by the International Student Services, first floor of Ryerson Hall.
- Early college prepping classes and financial assistance with college are possible through Student Support Services (first floor of Ryerson Hall), Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math and Sciences (third floor of Vinson Hall).
- Wellness and fitness programs are provided through the J.R. Holder Wellness Center.
Each student at Northwestern is unique and has worth and dignity. It is our goal to assist students and recognize, understand, and celebrate human differences.
The Student Services office is located on the first floor, Room 126, of Ryerson Hall on the Alva Campus. We can assist you with the following:
- Vehicle Parking Decals
- Student and Employee IDs
- Title IX
- ADA Services
- Veteran Affairs
Brooklyn Pierson
Administrative Assistant
Ryerson Hall 126
(580) 327-8414
Calleb Mosburg
Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Ryerson Hall 126
(580) 327-8415
ADA Services
ADA Forms
The links below have been provided to help you gain better access to online forms needed for Students with Disabilities.
Should you need further assistance, please contact the Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Calleb Mosburg at (580) 327-8415 or cnmosburg@nwosu.edu.
Emotional Support Animal Policy- (PDF Document)
Emotional Support Animal Required Paperwork- (PDF Document)
ADA- Incident Report Form- (Online Form)
ADA- Petition to Request a Change in Degree Requirement- (Online Form)
Veteran Affairs
The Northwestern Veterans Affairs Office maintains a positive working relationship with the Veterans Affairs Regional Office and other educational institution's Veteran’s Affairs Offices. This enables us to assist our students with VA and educational problems in a more effective manner. We are here to provide assistance in contacting other VA sources and to provide guidance in solving any problems they might encounter at the university.
Service to the student is our main objective. It is our goal to assist students in receiving all VA educational money they are entitled to and to receiving it in the timeliest manner.
Northwestern Oklahoma State University assists students who are eligible to receive educational benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs. All degree plans offered by Northwestern have been approved by the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs State Approving Agency for payment of federal benefits.
The Northwestern Veterans Affairs Office will certify enrollment for payment of VA Educational Benefits for all students who meet eligibility criteria as set forth by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
Veterans or veterans' dependents interested in using their VA Education benefits should contact Student Services to determine what documents are required at the time of enrollment to avoid delay in processing.
Prior to enrollment, please contact the VA Coordinator below:
Georgina Herrera
VA Coordinator
Phone: (580) 213-3102
Email: veteransaffairs@nwosu.edu
Students must submit a request each semester they intend to use VA Benefits.
Degree Programs Offered:
Student Handbook
Northwestern's Student Handbook is available and applicable to all students. It can answer your questions wanting to know more about our policies when dealing with enrollment, student academic progress, retention, social media, housing, and more.
Download the PDF below:
Complaint Process
Complaint Process (students and employees)
Students and employees may file a formal complaint for any classroom or campus incident in which they believe they have been treated inappropriately by an NWOSU student or employee, or for which the university lacks written policy.
A student or employee with a complaint is first encouraged to attempt to resolve the matter informally by bringing the issue to the attention of the person whose actions brought about the complaint. If the issue is not resolved in this way, or if such an attempt is not practical, the student/employee may bring concerns to the attention of the supervisor of the person against whom a complaint is made. This will allow all parties to participate in an informal resolution.
Students and employees also have the right to seek formal resolution of the matter. All formal complaints are reviewed by the Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management and, where appropriate, forwarded to the appropriate office. These offices may include the offices of the President, the Vice President for Administration, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Dean of Faculty, and the Human Resources Director. If the complaint falls under the purview of the Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, the matter may be formally resolved through that office.
The formal complaint and a narrative of the resolution will be filed in the Office of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness and will be available for review by the Higher Learning Commission. In accordance with privacy policies, the identity of individuals will be protected.
A student or employee may appeal the outcome of a formal complaint to the President, who will review previous decisions and may render a decision or make recommendations.
Complaint Reporting Form: https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?NorthwesternOSU&layout_id=3
Regional University System of Oklahoma (RUSO) Ethics Point: https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/30756/index.html
File a Complaint with the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education: https://okhighered.org/current-college-students/complaints/
File a Complaint with the Higher Learning Commission (HLC): https://www.hlcommission.org/Students-Communities/complaints.html
Consumer Information
We've compiled several forms, reports and links in one spot to help you find what you're looking for dealing with Consumer Information.
Intramural Sports
Looking to play Intramural Sports at Northwestern? Check out the action at Intramural Sports.
Student Travel Request
Student Travel Request Form
This form must be completed ten (10) days in advance in order for your request to be considered.
Transportation requests on non-approved travel dates will require a fee to be paid in the business office BEFORE transportation arrangements are finalized.
- WICHITA & OKLAHOMA CITY TRIPS: $90.00 USD one-way and $180.00 USD round-trip.
- ENID TRIPS: $45.00 USD one-way and $90.00 USD round-trip.
- ALVA TRIPS: Free-of-charge. Will likely be scheduled between the hours of 8AM and 5PM Monday - Friday, unless otherwise approved.
Complimentary shuttles are offered to Northwestern students at the beginning and end of the Fall or Spring semester to the Wichita or Oklahoma City airports/bus stations ONLY. To be considered for these shuttles, you are required to submit the request below. We will include you on the shuttle best suited for your travel itinerary. As always, all shuttles are offered weather permitting. If the weather puts our drivers or passengers at risk, the shuttle(s) will be cancelled. All communication will be through email. Shuttle schedules are below:
*BEGINNING OF SEMESTER complimentary transportation will be provided twice a day on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday prior to the first day of classes each semester. The first shuttle will arrive at 12:00 PM and depart at 1:00 PM on each of those days. The second shuttle will arrive at 8:00 PM and will depart at 9:00 PM on each of those days. Deadline to submit: Two weeks before semester starts
*END OF SEMESTER complimentary transportation will be provided twice a day the Friday, Saturday and Sunday after finals each semester. The first shuttle will depart from Alva at 6:00 AM, and the second shuttle will depart from Alva at 2:00 PM on each of those days. Deadline to submit: Two weeks before semester ends
*PERSONAL ACCOMMODATIONS outside of the complimentary shuttles may be requested by the deadlines listed; however, please be advised that they will be at the student’s expense, and cannot be guaranteed. All of our drivers will be assigned to the complimentary shuttle service before fulfilling personal requests, then personal requests will be fulfilled on a first-come, first-served basis, if available.
For questions, please contact the International Student Office at international@nwosu.edu.
Complete Withdrawal from Northwestern
Students wanting to completely withdraw from Northwestern Oklahoma State University may do so in person, over the telephone, or online. Alva students should initiate the withdrawal process in the office of the Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management located on the first floor of Ryerson Hall or by calling (580) 327-8414. Enid students should contact the Dean’s office at Enid or call (580) 213-3105. Woodward students should contact the Dean’s office or call (580) 254-2501. Students can also access the online withdrawal form to submit a complete withdrawal of the semester. The online form will be sent to the Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Office to then be processed
Complete Withdrawal Form
Tobacco Free Campus
This policy prohibits the use of all tobacco products on all school-owned property 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The ban on tobacco use is part of Northwestern’s efforts to become a more healthy campus. The Northwestern tobacco-control program consists of prevention, cessation and policy.
More info about Northwestern as a Tobacco Free Campus can be found at www.nwosu.edu/tobacco-free.
Student Health
Northwestern encourages students to seek the appropriate medical attention when needed. The contact information below can be used to assist you in contacting the appropriate medical provider.
Share Medical Center
Address: 800 Share Drive Alva, OK 73717
Phone: (580) 327-2800
Share Medical Clinic offers free office visits for currently enrolled Northwestern students on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Appointment must be made by NOON on the date you wish to be seen.
St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center
Address: 305 South 5th Street Enid, OK 73701
Phone: (580) 233-6100
INTEGRIS Bass Baptist Health Center
Address: 600 S. Monroe Enid, OK 73717
Phone: (580) 233–2300
Address: 1900 N. 14th Street Ponca City, OK 74601
Phone: (580) 765-3321
Address: 900 17th Street Woodward, OK 73801
Phone: (580) 256-5511
Oklahoma state law requires that all new students who attend Oklahoma colleges and universities for the first time provide proof of immunization for certain diseases. If you cannot verify your immunizations you will need to be re-immunized. Medical, religious and personal exemptions are allowed by law and such requests must be made in writing using the Northwestern Student Immunization form at
In order to enroll as a full-time or part-time student at Northwestern, Oklahoma law requires students to provide written documentation of vaccinations against Hepatitis B and Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) using the NWOSU Student Immunization form. This applies to all students of any age or at any stage of their education. Exemptions from this requirement may be made by providing a written statement from a physician stating that the vaccine is medically contraindicated or by signing a waiver.
These vaccinations can be obtained from your family doctor or your community’s health department. University housing requires a meningitis form to be completed prior to a room being assigned.
Forms and information are available online at
All meningitis forms must be turned into or mailed to the University Housing Office, NWOSU Ryerson Hall, 709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717. For questions concerning the meningitis policy please contact the housing office at (580) 327-8418 or housing@nwosu.edu.
All international students are required to have a Tuberculosis Skin Test. They must provide proof of negative test results in the United States. If test result is positive, the student must have a chest x-ray verification that the student does not have TB. For more information please contact the International Student Advisor, Natalie Nichols, at (580) 327-8414 or nmnichols@nwosu.edu. Immunization policy also applies to International students.
Campus Expression
(click the graphic for a print-quality pdf)
NWOSU Campus Expression Policy