College Democrats
The purpose of this organization is to provide a space for like-minded students on campus to discuss political issues, encourage voter participation, and inform others of party issues in a welcoming environment. We believe in engaging with the student body on a political basis in ways that foster a better future for politics. Our events serve to put our beliefs into practice. Along with our events, we also provide information about other politically active groups on campus to ensure that the NWOSU community stay as healthy as possible.
Our Constitution
- The NWOSU College Democrats constitution is our way of guiding our organization. We believe in upholding our bylaws, and improving our ways when necessary. To find out more about what our organization believes in, you can view our constitution with this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UtJPnbce4TPsFiYmLmmQ5HTtjjP-aVCiuT0PLiEl9Ss/edit?usp=sharing
Ranger Registration
- NWOSU College Democrats believe in the power of voting. Using your voice to influence the change you want to see is a core value of democracy. Ranger Registration is our initiative to encourage all eligible students to register to vote. We provide information to each student regarding how to register, registration forms on site, and online resources to learn about candidates. It’s our mission to keep this initiative bipartisan and free from judgment.
Donuts With Democrats
- Politically engagement with the student body is one of our more fun goals. We believe in offering judgment free political discussion to facilitate a more politically safe campus. Although discussing politics is our main goal, we also offer free donuts to any and all students as an ice breaker.
Writing to Representatives
- We believe in the importance of political literacy, which is why we host a writing to representatives night. We encourage every NWOSU student and faculty member (regardless of political affiliation) to write about their concerns to their state/district representative.
- We offer templates that are easily moldable to fit the issue most pressing to the writer, as well as premade templates to match issues that present themselves in a survey before the event.
Jeff McAlpin
Sponsor, Instructor of Sociology / Criminal Justice
(580) 327-8517
Carmen Gonser
Ash Crites
Vice President
Allysa Donaldson
Instagram: @nwosu_democrats