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Northwestern Oklahoma Honor Society of Nursing

Sigma Theta Tau

Beta Delta at-Large Chapter Honor Society

Beta Delta Chapter was first established on May 15, 1970, at the University of Oklahoma School of Nursing with 61 charter members. In April of 1982, the chapter was enlarged to include the University of Central Oklahoma and Oklahoma Baptist University. At that time, the chapter became known as Beta Delta Chapter-at-Large.

On April 15, 1999, the Beta Delta Chapter-at-Large expanded to include Southern Nazarene University and Oklahoma City University. When Southwestern Oklahoma State University was added to the list, Beta Delta earned the distinction of being the only at-large chapter with six schools of nursing.

Northwestern Oklahoma State University was added in April 2021 increasing the chapter to seven schools.

Currently, the chapter includes members from the nursing community and the following nursing schools/colleges: the Univeristy of Oklahoma Fran & Earl Ziegler College of Nursing, the University of Central Oklahoma, Oklahoma Baptist University College of Nursing, Southern Nazarene University School of Nursing, Oklahoma City University Kramer School of Nursing, Southwestern Oklahoma State University, and Northwestern Oklahom State University Charles Morton Share Trust Division of Nursing.

Beta Delta at-Large offers scholarships each fall and spring semester to students i both undergraduate and graduate programs.


Mrs. Crystal Gillett
(580) 213-3156

Northwestern Oklahoma State University

709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717
Phone: (580) 327-1700

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Northwestern Oklahoma State University provides quality educational and cultural opportunities to learners with diverse needs by cultivating ethical leadership and service, critical thinking and fiscal responsibility.

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