16 inducted into Northwestern business honors society
May 10, 2017

Karly Gillispie (left) receives the W.W. Starr Business Scholarship from Richard Ryerson (right) during Northwestern’s Division of business honor society of Delta Mu Delta’s induction ceremony.
Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s Division of Business recently welcomed 14 undergraduate students and two faculty to its honors society, Delta Mu Delta. The students have completed more than 60 credit hours and maintained a grade-point average of 3.5 or higher.
This year’s business administration majors and invitees to the Mu Xi chapter at Northwestern are student inductees: Cassandra Berry, Cherokee senior, accounting; Desiree Best, Woodward senior; Madeline Bonine, Woodward junior; Brittani Casement, junior, Wichita, Kansas, accounting; Sarah Dysart, Ponca City senior; Clinton Muret, Blackwell senior, accounting; Precious Okeke, Lagos, Nigeria, Africa, junior, accounting; Aleasha Rowe, Blackwell senior; Dylan Schulenberg, Coal Valley, Illinois, junior; Rijan Shrestha, Kathmandu, Nepal, junior; Brianna Wilhite, Cherokee junior; Ramsey Williams, Enid senior; Tara Wilson, Purcell junior; and David Young, Oklahoma City senior.
Honorary faculty inductees are Dr. James Bell, associate vice president for academics and dean of faculty, and Dr. Bo Hannaford, vice president for academic affairs.
Society membership offers multiple benefits including recognition for outstanding academic achievement, networking opportunities, scholarships and more.
Chelsey Kleinvachter, post-graduate student of Lacrosse, Wisconsin, received the Oklahoma Society of Certified Public Accountants – Outstanding Accounting Student Award.
The 2016-17 Division of Business Student Advisory Council Awards went to Bonine; Natalie Fahey, San Jose, California senior; Muret, Rowe, and Manda Wheeler.
Karly Gillispie, Shattuck sophomore, majoring in business administration in accounting received the 2016-17 W.W. Starr Business Scholarship.
The 2016-17 Division of Business Scholarship Awards include:
Baird, Kurtz, and Dobson Scholarship to Kleinvachter
Robert R. Brown Scholarship to Gillispie
Wilma A. Ernest Scholarship to Casement
Darr B. Sims Memorial Scholarship to Ian Deges of Dodge City, Kansas, fall 2016 graduate majoring in technical management
Norman Jean Smith Scholarship to Delisa Deges of Dodge City, Kansas, fall 2016 graduate majoring in business administration
Helen Vore Sutter Memorial Scholarship to Shrestha
For more information about Delta Mu Delta, contact Dr. Wei Zhou, assistant professor of business and Delta Mu Delta faculty adviser, at (580) 327-8505 or wzhou@nwosu.edu. For more information on academic scholarships and department scholarships visit https://my.nwfoundation.com/scholarships. And for more information on Northwestern’s Division of Business contact Dr. W. David Hawkins, assistant professor of business and chair of the Division of Business, at (580) 327-8440 or wdhawkins@nwosu.edu.
Contact for Release
Ali Gavitt, University Relations Specialist
apgavitt@nwosu.edu, 580-327-8480