16 Northwestern Social Work Seniors Start Field Practicum Assignments
March 10, 2025
Sixteen Northwestern Oklahoma State University senior social work majors began their field practicum assignments at agencies throughout Oklahoma and Kansas this spring semester.
These students must complete 420 contact hours, demonstrate 20 behaviors and master the program’s nine core competencies as outlined by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Field Education is a signature pedagogy for social work that instructs and socializes students to the fundamental dimensions of professional practice. During field education, students are able to immerse themselves in practice and apply the skills and knowledge they have attained.
“Each student in field education is assigned a volunteer field instructor who dedicates their time to guiding student learning and reinforcing essential social work concepts, behaviors, and competencies,” said Codi Harding, director of field experience and assistant professor of social work. “We are grateful for all of our past and present field instructors.”
Listed below are the students currently in their field practicums, hometowns, and their practicum agency placements:
- Harlie Altland of Vici at the Department of Human Services in Woodward
- Alyssa Arambula of Enid at the Department of Human Services in Enid
- Alyssa Ball of Woodward at Western Plains Youth and Family Services in Woodward
- McKenzie Cramer of Ashland, Kansas, at Ashland Public Schools
- Samuel Felton of Enid at Northwest Behavioral Health Center
- Baeleigh Henshall of Enid at the Department of Human Services in Enid
- Makenzie Hoskins of Arnett at Youth and Family Services in Enid
- Kyra Hussey of Mangum at the Department of Human Services in Mangum
- Hunter McMillin of Sylvia, Kansas, at Alva Public Schools
- Krystan Pierce of Fargo at Western Plains Youth and Family Services in Woodward
- Cammi Rogge of Alva at the Department of Human Services in Enid
- Malori Shire of Enid at Great Salt Plains Health Center in Enid
- Tori Tyler of Alva at the Department of Human Services in Alva
- Mikaela Tew of Woodward at Circle of Care in Woodward
- Yasmin Vargas of Enid at YWCA Enid
- Summer Verrill of Norman at the Department of Human Services in Alva
For more information about Northwestern’s Department of Social Work, contact Dr. Kylene Rehder, department chair and professor of social work, at kdrehder@nwosu.edu or (580) 327-8135 or contact Harding at clharding@nwosu.edu or (580) 213-3148.
Sean J. Doherty, University Relations Specialist
sjdoherty@nwosu.edu | (580) 327-8480