17 Northwestern Student Teachers Begin Assignments in Schools

September 14, 2022

Student Teachers Fall 2022 Part 1Student Teachers Fall 2022 part 2Student Teachers Fall 22 part 3

Students leave Northwestern Oklahoma State University with the knowledge to succeed in a particular field. In their final semester, 17 senior education students have received their student teaching assignments and have entered area schools to gain hands-on experience.

The students will return to campus for seminars in October and November with their exit interviews in December. Graduation and the education pinning ceremony are scheduled for Dec. 4.

Listed below are the students, their hometowns and teaching assignments.

Agriculture Education – Mackena Tennyson of Yukon, Hydro-Eakly High School

Early Childhood Education – Angela Egger of Williamsville, Illinois, Longfellow Elementary School (Alva); Erin Lewis of Tonkawa, Ponca City Early Childhood Center

Elementary Education – Sarah Averill of Norman, Fairview Elementary School; Paytan Hodgson of Ponca City, Newkirk Elementary School; Allie Hufford of Arvada, Colorado, Longfellow Elementary School (Alva); Hannah Mosburg of Beaver, Forgan Elementary School; Beret Watters of Marysville, Washington, Newkirk Elementary School; Susannah Welty of Modesto, California, Lincoln Elementary School (Alva)

English Education – Tyler Callaway of Enid, Waukomis High School; Jayden Dillon of Helena, Woodward High School; Lacey Navarro of Perry, Chisholm High School; Camille Soderstrom of Dewey, Alva Middle School

Health and Sports Science Education – Tanner Clarkson of Platte City, Missouri, Washington Early Childhood Center (Alva); Jean Dodds of Enid, Drummond Schools; Simeon Shepherd of Tonkawa, Newkirk Elementary School

Mathematics Education – Juan Licea of Gonzales, Texas, Alva High School

Teacher candidates were able to find free and “new” professional outfits from the Teacher’s Closet to help transition their wardrobe to professional dress.

For more information on Northwestern’s teacher education program or to donate gently used or new clothing to benefit young professionals contact Dr. Jen Oswald, associate professor of education and chair of the Division of Education, at (580) 327-8451 or jdoswald@nwosu.edu.

Find “NWOSU Division of Education” on Facebook for updates.


Erin Davis University Relations Specialist

eedavis@nwosu.edu, 580-327-8480

Northwestern Oklahoma State University

709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717
Phone: (580) 327-1700

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