Alva's Methodist Church Makes Donation to Northwestern's Campus Food Pantry

December 20, 2022

Dylan Collins working in the food pantry

Dylan Collins, Claremore sophomore majoring in business administration-management, is in his second year of volunteering at Northwestern’s Campus Cabinet Food Pantry. Since opening in January 2019, nearly 70 student and employee volunteers have logged a combined 1,556 hours.

The Campus Cabinet Food Pantry received quite a surprise during the fall semester in the form of a generous monetary donation from the Alva First United Methodist Church’s endowment funds.

“This donation came at the most perfect time because I was starting to worry about the funding for the pantry,” Angelia Case, academic projects assistant, media specialist and coordinator of the Campus Cabinet food pantry, said. “The increase in demand for our assistance has gone up quite a bit this fall semester, so we thank this group so, so much.

“The Covid years put quite a strain on our donations – both product and monetary,” Case said. “Monetary donations to the pantry went from about $10,000 in fiscal year 19 and 20 to $3,000 for fiscal year 21 and 22 combined, so we are extremely grateful for this donation and for those who continue to donate so that we can help our students and employees.”

The Campus Cabinet food pantry opened its doors on Jan. 16, 2019, and to date, it has distributed more than 13,000 pounds of inventory to its 169 registered clients. Since its opening in Alva, smaller pantries are now available at both the Enid and Woodward campus locations.

Forty-eight percent of Northwestern’s student population is made up of low-income first-generation students, meaning these students are the first to go to college in their families.

“Many of our students are not only learning their way around college life but may need assistance with food as well,” Case said.

 “Without people like this from the First United Methodist Church, we couldn't help our campus community as much as we do right now, “Case said. “Our clients are so grateful each time they come in for the items they receive. It's not out of the norm to see tears of gratefulness on a client's first visit.”

Case noted that she and her volunteers have witnessed several feelings of gratitude since the pantry opened.

“One evening, a couple came by and part of their request was a pillow and blanket each,” Case said. “We had only one blanket and one pillow at that time. So we gave the pillow to the guy and the blanket to the girl. The guy hugged that pillow and was so grateful that it brought tears to his eyes. He told the group he couldn’t leave until he gave some hugs… and so he did.

“There was another couple that requested bedding. When they received it they noted that this was the first time they had sheets for their bed since they were married.

“I’m so thankful to learn about the needs of some of our students and employees, and we were able to do something about it, along with a lot of help from Northwestern, our volunteers and our donors,” Case said. “When you come from a place where something such as this pantry would have been a great benefit to you, you tend to believe in the goals and mission just a little bit more. We just want to help.”

All monetary donations to the campus pantry are tax deductible and can be sent to Case at 709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717 with “Campus Cabinet food pantry” in the memo. The funds will be deposited into an account with the Northwestern Foundation and Alumni Association.

More information about the Campus Cabinet food pantry and the list of non-perishable foods, personal hygiene and bedding items it could use most can be found at


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