Budy Wins Statewide End Litter Video Contest

April 1, 2024

Sagelyn Budy accepts a $1,200 prize check on Friday from Jon Logan and Evelyn Schaefer for winning the Keep Oklahoma Beautiful End Litter Video Contest.

Northwestern Oklahoma State University mass communication minor Sagelyn Budy is the winner in the higher education division of the statewide Keep Oklahoma Beautiful End Litter Video Contest.

The Alva senior was presented with a check on Friday for $1,200 from Jon Logan, Oklahoma Department of Transportation District 6 engineer from Woodward, and Evelyn Schaefer, Keep Oklahoma Beautiful executive director from Oklahoma City. Budy also will be honored at a banquet in Oklahoma City in November.

Her video titled “Make a Difference” explains how one piece of trash can harm many areas. This video may be viewed on KOB social media channels and also on their website at https://www.keepoklahomabeautiful.com/what-we-do/litter-educations-end-litter-video-contest.html.

The length of the videos submitted for the contest was to be between 25 and 45 seconds. Budy said the process for creating this short video turned out to be fairly time-consuming by the time she planned what she was going to do, shot the photos and video, wrote the script and then went into the editing room.

“Every shot takes multiple takes because even if you think you got a good shot the first time, when you get in the editing room, you don't want to stop to get more video because something doesn't look right,” Budy said. “This often happens anyway, but if you can prevent it by taking multiple videos while you are there, it is worth it. When you get in the editing room, the time often boils down to how picky you are, which I would have to say, I am definitely too picky at times.”

Dr. Jesse Schroeder, assistant professor of mass communication, is the faculty adviser to the campus television station NWTV and the instructor who assigned this video project to his students in the audio and video production class this past fall.

“I have been very impressed with Sagelyn’s ability to create some really dynamic projects,” Schroeder said. “She can develop ideas and create projects that would compete with those working in professional video production.”

Schroeder said the top three finalists in the higher education category were his students, including Derrick Galindo, Alva sophomore majoring in mass communication, and Karoline Juresiute, Pratt, Kansas, junior majoring in mass communication.

“They all have tremendous talent, and I am proud of all of them,” Schroeder said.

Budy, an agriculture major, has plans to work for an agriculture publication through either writing or producing ag stories upon graduating in December, so she paired her major with a mass comm minor to gain the additional guidance she needed.

“I have learned so much from the mass comm program,” she said. “The faculty members have given me much guidance and allowed me to grow my knowledge and skills through hands-on experiences.”

She also praises the agriculture department faculty for helping her to further her communication skills.

“Not only has the faculty given me an abundance of knowledge, they have endured many interviews and photo sessions and have been willing to accommodate my requests with their busy schedules. These two departments working together have allowed me to take on one of my biggest goals, to have the tools and skills to educate consumers about the value and importance of agriculture.”

Budy is using the skills she learned from both academic areas by producing her own radio show on local station KALV owned by Benny Buckland, a Northwestern graduate. Since July 1, 2022, “The Farm Girl” has been airing every weekday at 7 a.m., noon and 5 p.m. on 1430 AM and 99.5 FM.

“It has been an adventure, and I have learned a lot,” Budy said. “I like to do interviews with local people about current events and how it affects them. I also advertise future activities and give informational reports. Keeping up with two jobs and school can sometimes be a lot, but the experiences I have gained will be invaluable for my future.”

Schroeder said that Budy continues to show she can intertwine her agriculture background with the skills she has learned in the mass communication program.

“You can tell she has a true appreciation for the agriculture industry, and this comes through in her ability to tell great stories through the projects she creates in mass communication,” he said.

Schroeder also believes his students’ successes help show that Northwestern’s program is helping to prepare students to enter the work force.

To learn more about Northwestern’s mass communication program, visit https://www.nwosu.edu/school-of-arts-and-sciences/communication/mass-communication.


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