Campus Cabinet Food Pantry receives $1,000 mini-grant from Bank It organization
January 28, 2019

Northwest Oklahoma Bank It board member Kelsey Martin presents a check for a $1,000 mini-grant to the Northwestern Oklahoma State University Campus Cabinet Food Pantry. Accepting the check are Alanna Negelein and Angelia Case.
Food and monetary donations from individuals, organizations, local business people and more continue to be made to the Northwestern Oklahoma State University Campus Cabinet Food Pantry.
The most recent monetary donation comes from the “Northwest Oklahoma Bank It: A Habit of Helping Foundation,” which is a 501 ( c ) 3 charitable organization in Alva formed to bring citizens together in support of the northwest Oklahoma community and to help people and projects in need. The organization approved a mini-grant for $1,000 to help the food pantry become better established for university students and employees in need.
Angelia Case, academic projects assistant/media specialist, found the application at, sent it in and recently was notified that the board voted to award the campus food pantry the mini-grant.
Kelsey Martin, Bank It board member, presented the check to Case and NWOSU Art Society president Alanna Negelein at the pantry.
“Our board felt strongly about this project, so we awarded [the Campus Cabinet] this mini-grant,” Martin said. “We have helped support many local organizations with mini-grants through this application process.”
Besides the mini-grants, Bank It also funds up to four “CommUNITY Vision projects” each year and also provides help for families in crisis situations. All of the funds come primarily from donations of citizens within Woods County with a large portion of those funds being matched by participating local banks.
“We appreciate the board members of Bank It reviewing our application and finding what we’re doing to help our students and employees as a worthy project to support,” Case said. “We are so thankful and dependent upon groups like this, as well as individuals and businesses like ENJ Financial and Walmart, who have seen the need to donate to our service project.”
The Campus Cabinet Food Pantry continues to welcome food and monetary donations throughout the year in order to keep food and personal hygiene products on the shelves and available to university students and employees who need them.
The pantry is open each Wednesday from 5 to 7 p.m. in Shockley Hall 108. Those needing help are encouraged to visit to find forms and other pertinent information needed prior to a visit.
To learn more about the campus food pantry or how to donate, please visit the web page or contact Case at (580) 327-8577 or