Campus carillon bells to return thanks to donor

May 16, 2019

A new carillon bell system will be added to the tower of Herod Hall thanks to Richard Ryerson.

Beginning in 1990, Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s Alva campus and the surrounding neighborhood was serenaded daily by a digital carillon bell system that included hourly chimes, the alma mater and the fight song.

The system was silenced several years ago because of weather damage. Years of funding cuts left no money in the annual budget to repair the system.

However, a recent article written by Jones senior Nick Perkins and published in the student newspaper, the Northwestern News, lamenting the lack of the bell system caught the attention of local businessman and former regent Richard Ryerson.

After research into the condition of the speaker system atop Herod Hall, the cost of new automation and sound equipment, Ryerson agreed to fund the cost of a new system in memory of his late wife, Johnece.

“We enjoyed the sound of the bells from our home, as did many other people in the community, Ryerson said. “It adds an atmosphere to campus and the community.”

The new bell system will provide four different bell sounds, has recording capability and can be operated through a mobile phone app.

 The Ryersons have been among Northwestern’s most generous supporters, funding scholarships and establishing the Ryerson Family Chair in Business. Johnece Ryerson was particularly instrumental in the construction of the masonry welcome and entry signage projects on the north side of campus.

“So many programs and projects at Northwestern have been impacted through the generosity of the Ryersons,” Dr. Janet Cunningham, president of Northwestern, said. “Our fiscal challenges kept us from taking on this project, but we are so pleased that Mr. Ryerson has once again been willing to invest in our students and their campus environment.”


Northwestern Oklahoma State University

709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717
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