ETS Proficiency Profile Approaching for Northwestern Students

March 22, 2021

ETS Proficiency Profile Test

Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s assessment and institutional effectiveness office is calling upon students who have between 40 and 75 credit hours at Northwestern to complete a general education assessment. The Educational Testing Service proficiency profile test will be open April 12-13.

The test will take place in the Academic Success Center (IE 105) each day from 8:15 a.m.- 4:45 p.m. Students can make an appointment with assessment and institutional effectiveness director Kaylyn Hansen or walk-in. Northwestern is required to assess the general education curriculum.

To set up testing appointments Enid campus students will need to contact Enid campus coordinator Tiffany Misak at (580) 213-3102 or by email at; Woodward campus students will need to contact Woodward campus coordinator Rachael Hopkins at (580) 327-2502 or by email at; University Center students in Ponca City will need to contact Hansen at (580) 327-8150 or by email at

“It is a short online test taking less than 40 minutes to complete,” Hansen said. “The test covers critical thinking, mathematics, and basic reading and writing skills. Studying for the test will not be necessary, and your score does not impact your grade or GPA.”

The overall results for Northwestern (not individual scores) are reported to department chairs, deans, the executive vice president, Oklahoma State Regents, and the general education committee.

“This helps us gauge how Northwestern is doing in teaching general education courses and whether or not we need to make any adjustments to our curriculum,” Hansen said.

Those who take the test will be entered into a drawing for Apple AirPods, $25 bookstore gift card, $25 Visa gift card, $50 Visa gift card, and a $100 Amazon gift card. If students have any questions, they may contact Hansen.


Erin Davis, University Relations Specialist, (580) 327-8480

Northwestern Oklahoma State University

709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717
Phone: (580) 327-1700

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