February OBI Blood Drive looking for 148 donors Feb. 12-13

February 1, 2019

Blood donation takes just about an hour, and each donation can save the lives of up to three patients.

Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s Alva campus is partnering with the Oklahoma Blood Institute for a two-day blood drive on Tuesday, Feb. 12, and Wednesday, Feb. 13, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Student Center Ranger Room.

The blood donor goal for the Northwestern volleyball and soccer team-sponsored event is 74 blood units each day. This event is open to the public.

All donors will receive free pizza, free health screenings, donor reward points and their choice of inspirational t-shirt in one of three colors: coral, sky blue, or gray. If donors opt not to take the t-shirt, OBI will make a monetary donation to the Global Blood Fund for blood center assistance in developing countries. Donors also will have the chance to enter a drawing for a $25 gift certificate to the Northwestern bookstore.

Those wishing to donate are encouraged to go online and make an appointment. To make an appointment for Tuesday, Feb. 12, visit https://www.yourbloodinstitute.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/287580. To make an appointment for Wednesday, Feb. 13, visit https://www.yourbloodinstitute.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/287603.

“Anyone wanting to give blood can skip the wait line if they preschedule their appointment and complete the online information,” Janet Valencia, service learning coordinator, said. “Then, you move to the front of the line and go straight to the next available table without filling out paperwork, but you must be on-time for your appointment, or you will be in the wait line.”

Please have a photo ID available to give blood.

For more information contact Valencia at (580) 327-8134 or jivalencia@nwosu.edu.



Erin Davis, University Relations Specialist
eedavis@nwosu.edu 580-327-8480

Northwestern Oklahoma State University

709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717
Phone: (580) 327-1700

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