Fourth Annual ‘Compassion in Action Dignity Drive’ Underway

October 23, 2019

Dignity Drive 2019

The Northwestern Oklahoma State University chapter of the Social Workers Association of Tomorrow (SWAT) organization and Psychology club are accepting donations for personal hygiene products as part of the “Compassion in Action Dignity Drive” at all Northwestern locations until Dec. 1.

“Being a part of the SWAT Dignity Drive allows social work majors to employ a community service project while also supporting a local service agency,” Morgan Lopez, social work senior and SWAT president for the Woodward campus, said. “This year we have been able to partner with the Psychology Club, which has enabled SWAT to encompass other helping professions in our mission to provide basic needs to vulnerable populations.”

This year SWAT and the Woodward and Enid Psychology clubs will be gathering donations for the YWCA located in Enid. The YWCA provides emergency crisis-intervention services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. These services also include an emergency shelter for survivors of domestic violence.

Items needed are shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, feminine hygiene products, diapers, baby hygiene products, lice kits, body lotion, toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss and other personal care items. Donated items can be dropped off at the Northwestern-Enid Commons Area, the Northwestern-Alva Housing Office, and the Northwestern-Woodward Commons Area. Contributors will also be entered to win a NWOSU Swag Bag of items.

For more information concerning the Compassion in Action Dignity Drive, contact Jennifer Pribble, assistant professor of social work and director of field experience, in Enid at (580) 213-3148 or


Erin Davis, University Relations Specialist, 580-327-8480

Northwestern Oklahoma State University

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