Northwestern faculty, staff honored for years of service at 14th annual recognition ceremony

November 17, 2017

Northwestern Oklahoma State University's Employee Recognition Ceremony recognizes faculty and staff members for their years of service and several employees also were recognized during the ceremony for their service to the Faculty Senate, Staff Council an

Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s employees were honored during the 14th annual Employee Service Recognition Ceremony Nov. 14-15. Ceremonies were held in Alva and Enid to honor employees who work at Alva, Enid and Woodward campus locations.

Watch a full video of employees recognized for years of service by clicking here. 

Dr. Bo Hannaford, vice president for academic affairs, presented Dr. M. Cris Gordon, assistant professor of psychology and chair to the psychology department, the John Barton Distinguished Teaching and Service Award during the annual ceremony. Nominations for the award are made by faculty, staff and students then the recipient is determined by a selection committee. To be selected, the recipient must be a full-time faculty member at Northwestern and exemplify distinguished teaching and administrative leadership.

Dr. David Pecha, vice president for administration, presented Debbie Skinner, administrative assistant for the vice president for academic affairs, the Thelma Crouch Staff Employee of the Year award. This award was established to recognize exceptional performance and/or service by a member of the Northwestern staff. The recipient of this award shows dedication to Northwestern and its students. The Student Government Association accepts nominations for this award and then determines the recipient.

Employees who were honored for their years of service are listed by name and job title:

  • Five-year service recognition: Dr. Dennis Angle, TRIO-SSS director; Dr. James Bell, associate vice president for academics and dean of faculty; Judy Dollar, payroll accountant; Paige Fischer, director of recruitment; Brooke Fuller, director of assessment and institutional effectiveness; Stockton Graves, head rodeo coach; Angie Henson, administrative assistant for the DNP program and service learning coordinator; Leigh Kirby, instructor of psychology; Tim Lauderdale, associate director of athletics for internal operations; Shannon Leaper, research and instructional services librarian; Marvina Molby, maintenance; Dr. Joseph Nnanna, associate professor of business; Dr. Jen Oswald, assistant professor of education; and Dr. Shelly Wells, professor of nursing and chair to the Division of Nursing
  • 10-year service recognition: Matt Adair, instructor of mass communication; Deborah Anderson, custodial supervisor; Rita Castleberry, director of financial aid and scholarships; Dr. Cheryl Kent, assistant professor of nursing and assistant chair to the Division of Nursing; Markangela Kinnett, secretary/health and safety assistant
  • 15-year service recognition: Dr. Mary Brune, assistant professor of nursing; Chauncey Durham, ITV assistant coordinator; Sharon McConkey, ITV coordinator; Dr. Dean Scarbrough, professor of agriculture and chair to the Department of Agriculture; Darcie Obermeier, maintenance; Dr. Dena Walker, assistant professor of mathematics; Kimberly Weast, professor of fine arts and chair for the Department of Fine Arts; Janet Valencia, secretary of the Division of Business and Department of Social Work
  • 20-year service recognition: Dr. Wayne McMillin, dean of Northwestern-Enid
  • 25-year service recognition: Dr. Kay Decker, professor of sociology and chair to the Department of Social Sciences; Susan Jeffries, library services director and assistant professor of library and information services; Kenneth Knabe, HVAC tehcnician; Sheri Lahr, registrar; Natalie Miller, assistant certification officer; Richard Vogel, HVAC lead man and maintenance

Those honored by the SL/CE committee for their service learning initiatives included:

  • Greatest Student Involvement: Dr. Ramona Bartlow, assistant professor of nursing, for having the greatest student involvement in the Nursing Leadership Service Learning course during the 2016-17 academic year  
  • Greatest Community Impact: Dr. Kylene Rehder, associate professor of social work and chair to the Department of Social Work, for having the greatest community impact with the service learning in the Division of Social Work during the 2016-17 academic year
  • Applaud Award: Dr. Marc Decker, assistant professor of music and director of bands, along with the Northwestern Pep Band for their extraordinary service during the 2016-17 academic year
  • Most Expressive Award: Rebecca Cook, international student adviser, for having the most expressive club/organization project and events during the 2016-17 academic year with the Festival of Cultures
  • Distinguished Service Award: Kirk Rogers, instructor for criminal justice, for extraordinary service in the Criminal Justice Internship Service Learning Course during the 2016-17 academic year

Several employees also were recognized during the ceremony for their service to the Faculty Senate, Staff Council and Professional Staff Council, as well as for recognition of Grant and Diversity Initiatives.

Grant and Diversity Initiative recognitions were: Jennifer Pribble, assistant professor of social work; Tammy Brown, assistant professor of speech and interim chair of the Communication Department; Dr. Leslie Collins, assistant professor of nursing and assistant chair of the Division of Nursing; Dr. Jennifer Page, assistant professor of English; Dr. Roxie James, lecturer for the English, Foreign Language and Humanities Department; Dr. Kate Lane, associate professor of English and Chair to the English, Foreign Language and Humanities Department; Sadiaa Jones, assistant director of Athletics for Compliance and Student Services; Craig Liddell, head women's soccer coach and instructor of health and sports science; Dr. Steven Mackie, associate professor of education; Josh Hawkins, instructor of education; Ken Kelsey, instructor of history and fine arts; Karsten Longhurst, instructor of music and director of choral studies; Kyle Larson, assistant professor of art; Dr. Tim Maharry, professor of mathematics and chair to the Mathematics and Computer Science Department; Dr. Roger Brown, assistant professor of business; Taylor Randolph, instructor of psychology; Jason Ogg, patron services assistant; Dr. Wei Zhou, associate professor of business; Ralph Bouret, associate professor of business; Dr. Francisco Martinez, professor of Spanish; Marc Decker and Cook.

Photos from the recognition ceremonies can be found at:


Ali Gavitt, University Relations Specialist, 580-327-8480


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