Northwestern Jazz Ensemble to Perform Concert Nov. 30

November 27, 2023

Northwestern Oklahoma State University jazz ensemble members will present their fall semester concert on Nov. 30 from 7-8:30 p.m. in Herod Hall Auditorium.

The event will consist of a new and exciting program featuring original arrangements of American music. Styles will range from jazz, popular, country, and Latin styles and will feature 12 student soloists.

The following students will be featured in this concert:

Celeste Alvarado on flute, Woodward freshman majoring in music; Jade Campbell on alto saxophone, Woodward sophomore majoring in instrumental music; Jeff Cher-aime on tuba, Newkirk graduate student in American Studies; Levi Crumpton on drums, Cushing sophomore majoring in vocal music; Addyson Noyes on flute and piccolo, Woodward junior majoring in vocal music; Brooklyn Parker on piano and vibraphone, Weatherford freshman majoring in vocal music; Kacie Penner on flute,  Fairview sophomore majoring in instrumental music; Jacob Setzer on bass saxophone, Hennessey freshman majoring in computer science; Darian Smith on trombone, Alva senior music major; Rosa Vargas on tenor saxophone, Lahoma freshman majoring in instrumental music; Hadley Weathers on trumpet, Ringwood freshman majoring in mass communication; and Makayla White on trumpet, Paola, Kansas, sophomore majoring in health & sports science education.

Other jazz ensemble members include Chris Perez, Laverne sophomore majoring in instrumental music on trumpet;  Gilberto Ramos, Alva freshman majoring in pre-nursing on trumpet; Sam Grimes, Enid freshman majoring in instrumental music on trombone; Jesus Villa, Goodwell freshman majoring in computer science-information systems on trombone; Faith Lambert, Cherokee freshman majoring in criminal justice-law enforcement on baritone saxophone;  Willem Johnson, Enid sophomore majoring in health & sports science education on bass.  Alvarado, Noyes and Penner are section saxophonists who double on the flute.

All works have been specially arranged by Eric Burger, director of bands, for this ensemble.

“This is such a wonderful group to work with,” Burger said. “The talent and flexibility of each member allows us to perform an unprecedented array of styles and feature so many soloists!”

The event is free and open to the public with doors opening at 6:30 p.m.

For more information about the instrumental and music education program at Northwestern, contact Burger at (580) 327-8191 or Additional information may be found at


Northwestern Oklahoma State University

709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717
Phone: (580) 327-1700

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