Northwestern to offer juniors tuition free concurrent courses

June 12, 2019

As part of a one-year pilot program, Northwestern Oklahoma State University will offer qualified high school juniors tuition free enrollment in up to six credit hours.

Northwestern will waive up to three credit hours of tuition for the fall 2019 semester and up to three more credit hours in the spring of 2020.

Concurrent courses already are provided tuition free to high school seniors, with the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education reimbursing universities for the waived tuition. Northwestern takes the concurrent program a step further by offering waivers to juniors.

“We feel an obligation to provide area high school juniors and their families an opportunity to get a head start on a college degree,” Dr. Janet Cunningham, university president said. “Concurrent enrollment saves money in tuition costs, prepares students for the rigor of college level courses, and shortens the time to a degree providing a quicker path to employment.”

For more information on concurrent course offerings, high school juniors and seniors are encouraged to visit with their school counselors or principals, or contact Calleb Mosburg, dean of student affairs and enrollment management, at (580) 327-8415 or


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