Political Science senior chosen to be inducted into Northwestern’s chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha honor society
May 4, 2017

Pi Sigma Alpha
Stacy Berman, Ponca City senior and political science major, was chosen to be inducted into Pi Sigma Alpha political science honor society at Northwestern Oklahoma State University.
Pi Sigma Alpha is the National Honor Society for political science, founded in 1920. Membership recognizes outstanding academic achievement in political science and promotes excellence in political awareness and civic engagement.
“[Stacy] Bergman is a good student and has taken the majority of her coursework at the UC in Ponca City,” Dr. Kay Decker, Social Sciences department chair and professor of sociology, said. “She is a non-traditional student with children, and she has worked while attending college. Bergman is a bright and dedicated student with a bright future.”
To be a member in Pi Sigma Alpha students must have a 3.0 GPA in political science along with 12 hours of political sciences courses completed. Students must also be within the top third of their senior class.
For more information on honor societies within Northwestern’s Social Sciences Department, contact Decker at (580) 327-8521 or kldecker@nwosu.edu.
Ali Gavitt, University Relations Specialist
apgavitt@nwosu.edu, 580-327-8480