Ranger Preview brings in more than 360 high school students; 4 students win additional scholarships

November 21, 2019

Ranger Preview 2019

Hundreds of high school juniors and seniors participated in Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s annual Ranger Preview at the Alva campus, Saturday, Nov. 16.

This event provided the opportunity for more than 360 prospective students and their families to visit the Northwestern-Alva campus and visit with faculty, staff and current students. Ranger Preview is a fun and informative event that showcases the ample opportunities Northwestern has to offer a potential student. Any high school senior who attended Ranger Preview, is admitted to Northwestern as a full-time student, and will live in Alva during the academic year, will receive a $600 scholarship for their freshman year starting in the fall 2020.

“When making a decision about college, nothing carries more weight than a personal visit to the campus, and we were thrilled to have a great turnout at this year’s Ranger Preview event,” Matt Adair, assistant dean of student affairs and recruitment, said. “I cannot offer enough ‘thank yous’ to Community Bank, Banc Central, Alva State Bank, the Northwestern Foundation and Alumni Association, Northwestern faculty, staff and administration, and our Northwestern Scholar Ambassadors in making this day possible. Northwestern is fortunate to be able to host an event of this magnitude to benefit seniors with a $600 scholarship and numerous other incentives.  I look forward to seeing these seniors back on campus in the fall as new college freshmen!”

The events for the day included registration, campus tours and a welcome from President Janet Cunningham, along with a few words from Calleb Mosburg, dean of student affairs and enrollment management. Those in attendance also were treated to performances from Northwestern’s band, University Singers and the Ranger Cheer Squad.

Each prospective high school student who attended also received a Northwestern t-shirt, free tickets to the football game that day, and lunch in Coronado Cafeteria. Their $15 college application fees were paid as well, courtesy of Community Bank, Banc Central and Alva State Bank.

Adair also gave praise to his staff members for their part in making this day successful.

“Ranger Preview does not happen overnight. I am grateful for an incredible staff that works tirelessly each and every day. I commend the hard work of Selena Estrada, Trey Johnson, Collin Stork, Rachael Richardson and Andrea Lauderdale on the success of this year’s event.”

Ranger Preview Scholarship Winners

Four students were awarded additional scholarships. The four $300 scholarship recipients are (left to right) Michelyn Stevens from Kremlin-Hillsdale High School, Kaylin Blatchford from Cleveland High School, Tabor Budy from Waynoka High School and Carli Seabolt from Perry High School.

“I am proud to say this year’s event had another large attendance,” Mosburg, said. “The Recruitment Office, under the direction of Matt Adair, has done an outstanding job in preparation for this event. I can’t thank the Recruitment Office enough for working to make Northwestern a possibility for so many students. I also want to commend the Fine Arts Department and the Athletics Department for having positive numbers arrive for the event. This event is truly a TEAM effort, and I greatly appreciate the faculty and current students who were there to meet these future Rangers.”  

For more information on Northwestern’s Ranger Preview event or how to become a Ranger, contact Adair at (580) 327-8418 or wmadair@nwosu.edu.

For more information on Northwestern degree programs and scholarship opportunities visit www.nwosu.edu.


Erin Davis, University Relations Specialist
eedavis@nwosu.edu, 580-327-8480

Northwestern Oklahoma State University

709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717
Phone: (580) 327-1700

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