Spring Break begins March 17; Fall Enrollment opens March 25
March 5, 2025
Northwestern Oklahoma State University will observe spring break March 17-21. Enrollment for the fall semester opens March 25.
Administrative offices at all three campuses and the J.W. Martin Library will be closed Monday through Wednesday, March 17-19, in observance of the break. Offices and the library will be open March 20-21 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Classes will resume their normal schedule on Monday, March 24.
Enrollment for the summer term is open. Students taking interim classes scheduled for May 12-30 need to verify schedules as each class varies on start and end dates. June only classes, as well as June and July classes, will begin June 2. June only classes end June 30. July only classes will start July 1. The summer session ends July 28.
Fall semester classes will begin Aug. 18. For a list of all available classes, visit www.nwosu.edu/course-schedules.
“Northwestern is focused on student success,” said Calleb Mosburg, dean of student affairs and enrollment management. “We want students to earn their degree and take the next steps of either employment or an advanced degree option. ‘15 to Finish’ is one piece of the student success strategies we have adopted. Students who are able to enroll in 15 credit hours per semester can stay on track to graduate in four years and not have to think about the burden of additional expenses for another semester.”
Students with enrollment questions may call the Alva Registry Office at (580) 327-8554, the Enid Registration Office at (580) 213-3102 or the office in Woodward at (580) 254-2500.
Sean J. Doherty, University Relations Specialist
sjdoherty@nwosu.edu | (580) 327-8480