Student Teachers Shop Northwestern’s Teacher’s Closet

January 23, 2023

Student Teachers Spring 2023 shopping in the Teacher's Closet
(Left to right) Senior Northwestern student teachers Daisy Chavez, Natasha Stocks, Jordan Villalva and Keeli Smith search the racks of the Teacher’s Closet to improve their professional wardrobes. 

Teacher candidates were able to take part in the Northwestern Oklahoma State University Teacher’s Closet that helps each student get free and “new” professional outfits to help transition their wardrobe to professional dress.

“This opportunity is amazing for students in the student teaching semester,” said senior Candace Brown, an early childhood education major from Blackwell. “We are all about to enter a professional career, and most importantly, we need to dress the part. Professional clothing is more on the expensive side. As college students having access to the closet full of professional dress items is a wonderful resource. Having this experience takes some of the financial stress off the student.” 

The Faith Center Alva also provided a meal for the student teachers in appreciation for the impact the student teachers have on the children in the community.

“I really enjoyed the opportunity to speak with other educators during the luncheon,” said senior Jordan Villalva, an elementary education major from Enid. “Also, I really like the fact that our community has come together to supply some of their old clothes so others may repurpose them! It truly shows the familial relationships that are formed in the education department that I love.”

Student Teachers Spring 2023 shopping the Teacher's Closet Part 2
(Left to right) Senior Northwestern student teachers Josey Myers, Katelyn Taylor, Kaitlyn Elder and Katherine Bauman shop the Teacher’s Closet as they prepare to enter classrooms this semester. The Teacher’s Closet is open by appointment to all Northwestern students. 

The Teacher’s Closet is open to all Northwestern students regardless of major or classification and is currently accepting business dress items and accessories that are interview appropriate such as blazers, suit sets, etc., for both men and women. Find “NWOSU Teacher’s Closet” on Facebook for updates or at

To donate items or make an appointment to shop at the Teacher’s Closet contact Dr. Jennifer Oswald, chair of the Division of Education and associate professor of education, at (580) 327-8451 or or Amy Melton, secretary to the Division of Education, at (580) 327-8436 or

For more information on Northwestern’s teacher education program, visit


Erin Davis University Relations Specialist, 580-327-8480

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