Summer JumpStart Program Begins at Northwestern

June 19, 2018

                           Student Support Services Summer JumpStart Program 2018

Student Support Services summer JumpStart program participants and staff are (back row, left to right): Rachel Richardson, RaLyssa Harris, Luke Bolar, Hunter McEachern, Blake Miller, Adam Olewinski, Abbie Haskins, Dr. Dennis Angle; (front row, left to right): Alicia Amaya, Jacey Schaaf, Stephanie Salgado, Jordan Cepero and Derek Blow. Not pictured is Kari Castor.

Members of the Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s Student Support Services began their summer JumpStart program on the Alva campus June 4. This is the 2nd year for the summer program.

This summer program will finish on July 31. The students from Aline, Alva, Freedom, Laverne, Weatherford, and Woodward attend classes Monday and Tuesday. Five students are attending the June math session, and 12 students are attending the July English session. These students all will be upcoming college freshmen at Northwestern in the fall.

“I couldn’t be more pleased about the progress and success of JumpStart,’” Dr. Dennis Angle, Student Support Services director, said. “This program is a collaborative effort – the instructors (Keenan Meeker and Dr. Jennifer Page) along with their department heads (Dr. Tim Maharray and Dr. Kathryn Lane), Dr. James Bell (associate vice president for academics and dean of faculty), Calleb Mosburg (dean of student affairs and enrollment management) and our office make it happen.”

Angle said the summer JumpStart program is an attempt to help first-generation, low income students obtain a brief sample of college life, complete one or two developmental courses and learn the skills necessary for university success.

During the program, the students’ also attend workshops addressing stress management, test preparedness, RangerNet, time management, Blackboard, studying skills, university life and more.

Student Support Services staff working with the summer program include program advisers RaLyssa Harris and Abbie Haskins, administrative assistant Rachel Richardson, and serving as student peers are Northwestern juniors Alicia Amaya, Ponca City; and Derek Blow, Rialto, California.

Instructors this year include:

  • Beginning Algebra – Keenan Meeker, instructor of mathematics at Northwestern
  • Composition I with a lab – Dr. Jennifer Page, assistant professor of English at Northwestern

The students are staying in university housing while on campus and eating their meals in Coronado Café.

For more information on Northwestern’s Student Support Services program, please contact Angle at or (580) 327-8119.


Erin Davis, University Relations Specialist; (580) 327-8480

Northwestern Oklahoma State University

709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717
Phone: (580) 327-1700

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