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Three Northwestern seniors selected as ‘Outstanding Students’ for Mathematics, Computer Science

May 4, 2017

Each year the faculty in the Mathematics and Computer Science department at Northwestern Oklahoma State University select outstanding students in the math and computer science programs.


Northwestern Foundation launches “Text-To-Donate” technology

May 4, 2017

The Northwestern Foundation & Alumni Association is pleased to announce the launch of its text-to-donate technology for the Imagine Northwestern comprehensive campaign.


Political Science senior chosen to be inducted into Northwestern’s chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha honor society

May 4, 2017

Stacy Berman, Ponca City senior and political science major, was chosen to be inducted into Pi Sigma Alpha political science honor society at Northwestern Oklahoma State University.


Phi Alpha Theta honor society inducts two Northwestern students

May 3, 2017

Two Northwestern Oklahoma State University students have been inducted into the Phi Alpha Theta, Mu-Lambda chapter, honor society.


Northwestern members of Game Programming Teams place at University of Tulsa’s Annual Gaming Exposition

May 2, 2017

Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s Game Programming teams participated in the University of Tulsa’s annual Heartland Gaming Exposition in early April for the fifth time, placing in several categories.