Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society
This club is a History honor society that recognizes outstanding academic achievement in history.
Established by Nels Andrew Nelson Cleven at the University of Arkansas in 1921, Phi Alpha Theta presently consists of over seven hundred chapters located in all fifty states and has more chapters than any other honor society to date.
Dr. Eric Schmaltz
Professor of History
Chair, Department of Social Sciences
Jesse Dunn 311B
(580) 327-8526
Phi Alpha Theta is a professional society with a mission to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication, and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. Phi Alpha Theta, seeks to bring students, teachers, and writers of history together for intellectual and social exchanges which promote and assist historical research and publication by its members in various ways.
Phi Alpha Theta holds biennial conventions where students, both graduate and undergraduate, can present papers and meet with distinguished historians. Also, the biennial conventions offer many special events as well as tours of sites of historical interest.
The Historian is published quarterly by the Society, and its pages are open to all members for publication in all fields of history. The Historian offers reviews of books, news of historical activities, and many other items of interest.
The PAT News Letter is published three times a year and includes articles covering all the current activities and awards of the Society, emphasizing all individual chapter activities.
Awards & Scholarships
Phi Alpha Theta offers six annual paper awards which are distributed between both graduate and undergraduate students. In addition to the paper awards, Phi Alpha Theta, also offers nine graduate scholarships that range in value from $500 to more than $1,000. Many other awards are also offered by Phi Alpha Theta, for various other outstanding achievements.
Membership Requirements
Undergraduate students seeking to gain admittance to Phi Alpha Theta, must have completed at least twelve semester hours in history with a grade point average of 3.0 or better.
Graduate students must have completed at least one-third of the residence requirements for the Masters Degree before becoming eligible for membership. The grade point average required for graduate membership is a 3.5 or better and final admittance is determined by the Chair of the History Department or the history faculty of each respective institution. Faculty members must have attained the rank of instructor or above and be teaching in the field of history.