School of Professional Studies
How many transferable units does your college accept, and how many units are required for your online Business programs?
The university does not limit the number of transferable hours from accredited post-secondary institutions. Activity course credits and developmental course credits do not apply toward meeting graduation requirements. Regardless of the number of semester hours that are transferred to NWOSU students must meet the university's graduation requirements. For a degree, the university requires that (1) a minimum of 30 semester hours be taken from NWOSU, (2) a total of at least 124 semester hours of credit, (3) at least 60 semester hours must be taken from baccalaureate degree-granting institutions, (4) at least 40 semester hours must be upper-level credit, (5) at least half of the final 30 semester hours or at least half of the coursework required for the major must be taken from NWOSU and (6) at least 55 semester hours of coursework in liberal arts and sciences.
Do you require additional general education requirements if I already have an A.A. or A.S. degree?
If a transfer student has an associate of arts or an associate of science degree from an Oklahoma institution, the student will be deemed to have met the university's general education requirement. However, even these students must complete the program specific general education courses required for Accounting/Business majors. If the student has an applied associate of arts or an applied associate of science degree or an associate of arts or associate of science from a non-Oklahoma institution, then the student must meet all of the NWOSU general education requirements. The university’s general education requirements can be found in section XIII of the current Undergraduate Catalog.
How do I submit assignments for online classes and do I need a proctor?
NWOSU uses Blackboard as our Learning Management System. The university also subscribes to www.turnitin.com. Each professor will determine how assignments are to be submitted. However, none of the assignments in Division of Business courses will require the student to physically be on campus.
The university has developed a policy for test proctoring in online classes. The university policy provides that at least one major test per online class must be conducted in a proctored environment that is (1) on an NWOSU campus, (2) at the University Center in Ponca City, (3) at a commercial testing facility, (4) at a testing center on an accredited community college or university campus, (5) military educational center or via Remote Proctor Now. Any fees associated with proctoring are the responsibility of the student. The policy gives the professor flexibility in requiring more than one major test to be proctored under these conditions.
Students should be aware that each professor has his/her policy regarding proctored tests. The individual professor's policy will be explained in the course syllabus. If the professor requires proctored tests, it is the student's responsibility to find an appropriate proctor. Any fees associated with proctoring the test are the responsibility of the student.
Do I have to be at the campus for any online classes?
No, you will not have to be physically on campus for any of the Accounting/Business classes. Business Policy is taught as a synchronous class, but online majors will be able to take the class from their personal computer. Business Policy is currently taught on Wednesday evenings from 6:55 to 9:45 pm CT.
Most of the general education classes are not currently offered online by NWOSU. Therefore, if you need to take additional general education classes, you can take them from any regionally accredited 2-year or 4-year school, online or in-person, and transfer the credit to NWOSU. You also may take general education classes on the NWOSU campus.
In each online class, university policy requires at least one major test be taken in a university approved environment. Many professors require that all tests be taken in that environment. The university has approved locations on each campus, Ponca City University Center, a commercial testing center, any accredited community college or university testing center, and for military personnel - military educational center or superior officer. Students also may use Remote Proctor Now. Any fees associated with proctoring are the student's responsibility.
Would the degree be read and will it denote that it was completed online?
The degree will read “Bachelor of Business Administration.” On your transcript the Accounting or Business Administration major will be noted after the degree awarded notation. We do not make a distinction between the online program or on campus programs.
Does the university provide any financial aid, grants or scholarships for online students?
Online students qualify for financial aid and scholarships in the same manner and under the same conditions as our on-campus students. You will need to contact our Director of Financial Aid, Tara Hannaford, (580) 327-8540 or tlhannaford@nwosu.edu for more information.
What is the average duration of online classes?
Our online classes follow the semester schedule. During the Fall and Spring semesters, most online classes are 16 weeks long. We do run some 8-week online classes during regular semesters. In the summer, most online classes are 8 weeks long, but a few are in a 4-week format.