School of Professional Studies
Online RN-to-BSN Program
It is now more important than ever for RNs to have their BSN degrees, and we can help you do that with our innovative program for RNs to complete their BSN online!
- This program ENABLES you to be WHO you want to be, WHERE you want to be, and HOW you want to learn!
- Nursing Courses are online - no campus visits necessary!
- Traditional clinical hours are not required, but direct care and indirect care clinical experiences are in order to meet accreditation standards. Your advisor and instructor will work with YOUR schedule to make it work for YOU!
- Advanced Standing given for YOUR RN experience!
- Enrollment open EVERY Semester!!
- High quality, convenient to YOUR schedule and liberal course transfers!
- Learn while you earn!
We select students to enter our online classes for the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters.
Rated #4 in the Nation's Online RN-to-BSN Programs
Online RN-to-BSN Program Costs
Visit the Online Tuition and Fees web page for costs.
There is a one-time, $300 online program fee assessed the first semester.
Top 20 Reasons to Become a BSN
- BSN is the preferred degree for bedside positions in ICU, Neonatal, and other specialty areas.
- BSNs are ready for expanding into the community nursing role and are able to provide the knowledge for health promotion, disease prevention, and optimum levels of wellness.
- BSNs learn to lead, manage, and motivate others.
- A BSN degree opens the opportunity for research and applying theory to one's practice.
- Research demonstrates that BSN-prepared nurses produce better patient outcomes.
- BSNs have a better grasp of the BIG PICTURE of Nursing: more time in each area, more emphasis on clinical reasoning, reflection and evidence-based practice.
- BSNs are prepared to assume roles of leadership through their education in research utilization, professional issues, leadership and community nursing.
- BSNs are prepared for nursing as a profession, not nursing as a job or skill.
- The BSN degree provides a base of graduate education.
- BSNs have an increased professional marketability.
- BSNs have more opportunities open to them in the work force and are eligible for higher advancement.
- BSNs have enhanced credibility with other healthcare providers, clients, and the public.
- BSNs have more clinical experience outside a hospital setting giving them a broader range of experiences.
- BSNs are prepared to function in all health care settings.
- BSNs use reflection in their practice to continually improve their plan of care.
- BSNs are best prepared for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration.
- BSNs have a more solid science background which enables a sense of confidence in recognizing conditions and responding appropriately.
- BSNs learn "why" not just "how to".
- BSNs fulfill their career dreams and their personal goals!
- BSNs have more earning power.
Entrance Qualifications & References Info
The minimum criteria for consideration of applicants seeking admission to the Online RN-to-BSN program include:
- Acceptance to Northwestern Oklahoma State University. (**Separate NWOSU application required** Use the Online Application for Admission)
- Evidence of satisfactory academic achievement with a minimum of a 2.5 GPA in all nursing courses and a 2.5 GPA overall.
- Graduate of an ACEN (formerly NLN or NLNAC) approved Associate Degree or Diploma Nursing Program.
- Filing of the student's official college transcript(s) with the Registrar's Office and a copy to the Division of Nursing.
- Submission of a completed application form for the Online RN-to-BSN Program to the Nursing Division.
- Submission of two references from teachers or employers with at least one being from a nursing instructor or supervisor.
- Online RN-to-BSN Applicant Reference Form (to be filled out applicant)
- Online RN-to-BSN Person Serving as Reference Form (to be filled out by two of your references)
- Resident of the state of Oklahoma. Out of state residents considered on an individual basis.
- Documentation of current licensure as a Registered Nurse in Oklahoma or state of residence.
- Successful background check clearance through Certified Background.
Record of Arrest or Commitment for Mental Incompetence
It is the responsibility of the Division of Nursing to inform current and prospective students who have been arrested/convicted, for any charge or have been committed by a court for mental incompetence, of the rules and regulations of the Oklahoma Board of Nursing related to initial licensure.
Arrest/Convictions include felonies or lesser charges
If a student has been adjudicated as mentally incompetent or mentally ill (that is, committed by a court as mentally ill), the student may be denied admission to the nursing program.
Faculty who are concerned with the welfare of the student with a “mental health history” have the right to explore with the student the past health history, current treatment, and/or request a recent statement from the student’s physician. The student may be referred for mental health counseling.
1. The student informs the Division of Nursing Chair of any records of arrests and/or commitments for mental incompetence. This includes events occurring while in the program. NOTE: This is a requirement. Failure to do so may lead to dismissal from the program.
2. The Division of Nursing Chair informs the student of the Oklahoma Board of Nursing rules and regulations and the possible implications.
3. The Division of Nursing Chair assists the person in contacting the Oklahoma Board of Nursing for further counseling if deemed necessary.
Reference: Current Northwestern Oklahoma State University Division of Nursing Student Handbook policy on record of arrest or commitment for mental incompetence.
Statement of Responsibility
The Division of Nursing of Northwestern Oklahoma State University is approved by the Oklahoma Board of Nursing. Applicants for Oklahoma Advanced Practice Nurse licensure must meet all state and federal requirements to hold an Oklahoma license to practice nursing. In addition to completing a state-approved nursing education program, requirements include submission of an application for advanced practice licensure with a national criminal history records search and successfully passing the national certification examination. To be granted a license, an applicant must have the legal right to reside in the United States (United States Code Chapter 8, Section 1621). The Board has the right to deny a license to an individual with a history of criminal background, disciplinary action on another health-related license or certification, or judicial declaration of mental incompetence [59 O.S. §567.8]. These cases are considered on an individual basis at the time application for licensure is made, with the exception of felony charges. An individual with a felony conviction cannot apply for licensure for at least five years after completion of all sentencing terms, including probation and suspended sentences, unless a presidential or gubernatorial pardon is received [59 O.S. §567.5 & 567.6].
Program Curriculum
Nursing Program Pre-Requisities:
- Chemistry 1105
- Anatomy Bio 3184*
- College Algebra 1513
- Pathophysiology
- Psychology 1113
- Nutrition*
- Microbiology
- Physiology
- Sociology
- Human Life Span
- Statistics (Math or Psych) 3 hours
- Speech
A combination Anatomy and Physiology course may be considered for meeting the requirement for the separate Anatomy course and Physiology course. A General Biology course may be considered for meeting the requirement for the Chemistry course. Consult a faculty advisor for more information.
General Education Hours Requirements:
NWOSU General Education Hours vary depending upon your nursing degree and college hours earned. Contact a Nursing Division Advisor for specific questions. Contact the Division of Nursing office at (580) 327-8493 to contact an advisor, or email Dr. Leslie Collins at lncollins@nwosu.edu .
Nursing Course Requirements:
- Introduction to Nursing Care and Skills *
- Holistic Assessment *
- Nursing Care of the Adult I *
- Pharmacology and Nursing Care *
- Nursing Care of the Adult II *
- Nursing Care of the Family *
- Nursing Care in Mental Health*
- Nursing Care of the Adult III
- Research Utilization
- Nursing Care in the Community
- Professional Issues in Nursing
- Nursing Leadership
*RNs are awarded credit for the following courses in accordance with the Oklahoma Board of Nursing and NWOSU Articulation Agreement:
- Anatomy
- Nutrition
- Human Life Span
- Introduction to Nursing Care and Skills
- Holistic Assessment
- Nursing Care of the Adult I
- Pharmacology and Nursing Care
- Nursing Care of the Adult II
- Nursing Care of the Family
- Nursing Care in Mental Health
Online RN -to-BSN Program Nursing Curriculum
Effective Fall 2015, students may be admitted in the Fall, Spring or Summer Semester and may complete the BSN degree in 12 months provided that all university general education requirements are met. Applicants will enter into the course rotation at the semester of application and continue until all courses have been completed.
Nurses with proof of current CCRN certification will receive credit for Nursing Care of the Adult III. Check with a faculty advisor for more information.
Spring Semester:
- N3023 Role Transition
- N4003 Research Utilization (Statistics is a pre- or co-requisite)
May Interim Session:
- N4333 Professional Issues in Nursing
Summer Semester:
- N4316 Nursing Care of the Adult III (Pathophysiology is a pre or co-requisite)
- N3033 Pathophysiology for Nurses (if needed)
Fall Semester:
- N4216 Nursing Leadership
- N4206 Nursing Care in the Community
For additional information and questions, email Dr. Leslie Collins at lncollins@nwosu.edu
*It is strongly recommended that you submit scanned copies of your college transcripts for informal evaluation when you contact Dr. Collins.
Degree Planning Resources
Computer Requirements for Success in Program
All online students are required to have a webcam with microphone capabilities and a scanner for submission of required assignment materials.
- Broadband Internet Access- Hard-wired access preferred
- 2 GB RAM (minimum requirement)
- 2.9 GHz Processor (minimum requirement)
- 20 GB hard drive (minimum)
- Windows 7 or Higher
- Web Browser (IE 8.0 or higher, Firefox Stable Channel Release, or Chrome Stable Release)
- Microsoft Office 2003 Suite or higher
- Adobe Reader 9 or higher
- Windows Media Player 7 or higher
Additional program-specific applications may be required.
Program Retention Standards
To remain in the nursing program, students must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA and achieve a "C" or better in all nursing and science courses. A student's failure to meet any of these standards will result in a review by the nursing faculty and potential dismissal from the program.
Accreditation & Approvals
The Northwestern Oklahoma State University Nursing Program is fully accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (ACEN) and is approved by the Oklahoma Board of Nursing. Northwestern Oklahoma State University is accredited by the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc.: (404) 975-5000
Oklahoma Board of Nursing: (405) 962-1800