Staff Council
Staff Council
Staff Council members
CHAIR: Sue Marker (580) 327-8106
Rachael Hopkins (580) 327-2502
Campus Kudos
Campus Kudos is a public acknowledgment given each fall, spring and summer semesters that applauds the efforts of eligible staff members who have displayed an act of kindness up and above their job responsibilities. Anyone may submit nominations using the criteria and this form. The following examples should be taken into consideration: • Makes a difference to NWOSU and/or to members of the campus community • Goes above and beyond expectations • Excels as a team player • Strives to bring out the Ranger "Spirit" in others. All areas of the form must be completed in order to make a nomination. Current staff council committee members are not eligible for the award.
Campus Kudos Nomination Form
Previous Campus Kudos Winners
- Summer 2022 - Taylor Phillips, Career Coach with Title III/LASSO Project
- Spring 2022 - Blake Garnett, Systems Analyst with the Information Technology office
- Fall 2021 - Leeta Grimsley, Assistant Director and Systems Specialist with the Information Technology office
- Summer 2021 - Shawn Smith, HVAC Technician with Maintenance
- Spring 2021 - Jacqueline Kephart, Payroll Clerk
- Fall 2020 - Andrea Lauderdale, Student Success Coordinator/Transfer Student Recruiter
- Summer 2020 - Angelia Case, Academic Projects Assistant/Media Specialist; and Valarie Case, University Relations Specialist
- Spring 2020 - Brenda Hearn, Academic Records Coordinator
- Fall 2019 - Cathy Schmitz, Financial Aid Counselor
- Spring 2019 - Adrian Ibarra, Systems Analyst
- Fall 2018 - Sue Burks, Financial Aid Assistant Director
- Spring 2018 - Sharon Batchelder, Enid Campus Police
- Fall 2017 - Jeffery Lee, Custodian
- Summer 2017 - Ben Estes, Recruitment
- Fall 2016 - Shawn Smith, Maintenance
- Spring 2016 - Gretchen Jones, Coronado Hall Supervisor
- Fall 2015 - Melissa Brown, Division of Education
- Spring 2015 - Melissa Turco, Title III
- Fall 2014 - Brooke Taylor, Assessment & Institutional Effectiveness
- Spring 2014 - Valarie Case, University Relations Specialist
- Summer 2012 - Fred Riggins, Maintenance/Telecommunications
- November 2011 - Travis Biaggi, Recruitment
- September 2010 - Kyle Haggard, Printing Services
- August 2010 - Becky Hansel, Division of Education
- April 2010 - Dean Kilgore, Maintenance/Custodian
- March 2010 - Travis Biaggi, Recruitment
- February 2010 - Lendi Gourley, Wellness Center
- January 2010 - Sabrina Watson, Recruitment
Thelma Crouch Staff Employee of the Year
Thelma Crouch Staff Employee of the Year Award Nomination Form
Each year, the Student Government Association asks for nominations to honor an outstanding staff member through the Thelma Crouch Staff Employee of the Year Award. Below is information regarding the award and a form you may use to nominate someone you think is deserving of such an award.
Please contact Calleb Mosburg, Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, at (580) 327-8415 with any questions.
Thelma Crouch Staff Employee of the Year Award
The Thelma Crouch Staff Employee of the Year Award is to recognize exceptional performance and/or service by a member of the Northwestern Oklahoma State University staff. The recipient of this award will show dedication to Northwestern and its students. Nominations will be accepted until 5 p.m. on the first Friday in October.
Candidates and Qualifications:
1. The award is available to full-time employees who are in non-supervisory positions and have been employed at Northwestern for at least five (5) consecutive years.
2. Applications are available in the office of the Northwestern Foundation or use the online form link above.
Selection Procedure:
1. Staff members may be nominated for the award in writing by their supervisors, any member of the faculty/staff or any NWOSU student.
2. A nomination form must be completed and returned to the Student Government Association office located in the Student Center or drop it off at the Student Services office in Fine Arts 126 by the first Friday of each October or submit the online form using the link above.
3. The Student Government Association Selection Committee will select any employee based on the following areas:
A. Professionalism and dedication to excellent service by putting forth the extra effort.
B. Continuously seeks innovative ideas to improve services for the benefit of students and Northwestern
C. Shows outstanding “Ranger Pride.”
Previous winners:
2003 Phyllis Brunsteter
2004 Angelia Case
2005 Tami Cooper
2006 Sheri Lahr
2007 David Washington
2008 Linda Tutwiler
2009 Valarie Case
2010 AJ Johnson
2011 Linda Phillips
2012 Natalie Miller
2013 Frank Granados
2014 Angelia Case
2015 Fred Riggins
2016 Dean Kilgore
2017 Debbie Skinner
2018 Diane Penner
2019 Kristin Mravinec
2020 Myra Davison
2021 Kevin Fields
2022 Jodie Randels
2023 Jake Boedecker
New Staff Orientation
New staff orientation is held every August for employees who have been hired the previous year. Administrative representatives are invited to meet with new staff members personally, provide them with information about the university’s policy and procedures, and then host a luncheon.
New Staff Orientation Evaluation Form
Campus Beautification
This project is held every year in April, days before the annual Spring Reunion. Staff Council coordinates with the Maintenance Department, C.O.R.E., and volunteers of employees and the student body to help clean up the campus grounds. This event gives employees and students the opportunity to show their pride in the campus appearance at all three campuses.
Alva Campus
Enid Campus
Woodward Campus
Staff Council Minutes
Minutes 2017-2018
Minutes 2016-2017
Minutes 2015-2016
Minutes 2014-2015
Minutes 2013-2014
Minutes 2012-2013
Minutes 2011-2012
Minutes 2010-2011
- July 7, 2010
- July 27, 2010
- August 28, 2010
- October 12, 2010
- November 9, 2010
- December 3, 2010
- March 22, 2011
Minutes 2009-2010