Tobacco Free
Northwestern a Tobacco-Free Campus
President Janet Cunningham announced Northwestern would become tobacco-free effective July 1, 2012. Northwestern Oklahoma State University (NWOSU) became a tobacco-free campus following an Executive Order issued by the Governor of the State of Oklahoma.
This policy prohibits the use of all tobacco products on all school-owned property 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The ban on tobacco use is part of Northwestern’s efforts to become a more healthy campus. The Northwestern tobacco-control program consists of prevention, cessation and policy.
Northwestern Oklahoma State University is committed to providing its students, employees, and visitors a safe and healthy environment.
Thank you for making Northwestern a Tobacco-Free Community.
Contact Us
For more information on Northwestern Oklahoma State University tobacco use prevention efforts contact:
Calleb Mosburg (All Students & Faculty)
Dean of Student Affairs/Enrollment Management
Ryerson Hall 126
(580) 327-8415
Taylor Wilson LPC (All Students & Faculty)
Director of Counseling and Career Services
Ryerson Hall 209
(580) 327-8547
Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline (All Students & Faculty)
A FREE service available 24/7
SmokefreeTXT -- Text QUIT to IQUIT (47848)
1-800-793-1552 (Spanish)
1-877-777-6534 (Deaf or Hard of Hearing)
Tobacco Free Policy
Achieving a tobacco-free environment will take time and is an on-going process.
Northwestern Oklahoma State University believes that for this policy to be effective, a self-enforcing culture needs to be the norm. Implementation and enforcement of this policy are the shared responsibility of the entire University community.
To view the Tobacco-Free Policy, click on the link below.
Thank you for making Northwestern tobacco free.
Tobacco Free Policy
Tobacco Free Policy FAQs
When did NWOSU go tobacco-free?
Northwestern Oklahoma State University became a tobacco-free campus beginning July 1, 2012, following an Executive Order issued by the Governor of the State of Oklahoma.
What does the NWOSU tobacco-free policy prohibit?
The use, sale, distribution, or advertising of tobacco products is prohibited on the university campus. Also, no university publication can accept any form of advertising of tobacco products.
Does the policy prohibit the use of all tobacco products or only cigarettes?
The policy prohibits the use of ALL tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco, chewing tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and snuff.
Whom does this policy affect?
Any person that works, visits, attends classes or attends other events on all NWOSU campuses.
Does the policy affect branch campuses?
Effective July 1, 2012, NWOSU-Alva, NWOSU-Enid, and NWOSU-Woodward are tobacco free.
What is the policy for athletic events at Percefull Fieldhouse, Myers Stadium, and Ranger Field? Is there a different policy for such athletic events if the event is on a weekend vs. a weekday?
The policy is the same no matter when the event is held. There is no tobacco use authorized at Percefull Fieldhouse, Myers Stadium, and Ranger Field.
Can I smoke in my own car?
Tobacco use is prohibited in parked and moving vehicles while on grounds owned or under the control of NWOSU.
What about the legality of telling people they cannot use tobacco in their own car?
It’s an NWOSU policy, and state law. NWOSU is dependent on employees and students to adhere to policies regarding a tobacco-free campus. If necessary, parking permits may be withdrawn.
Are NWOSU students, employees and visitors prohibited from bringing tobacco products on campus?
The policy does not prohibit the possession of tobacco products on campus.
Who does the tobacco-free policy apply to?
The tobacco-free policy applies to everyone on NWOSU’s campuses - including employees, faculty, staff, students, guests, spectators, visitors, volunteers, contractors, subcontractors, vendors and any other individual providing any type of product or service to the university.
What about students and employees located in off-campus buildings?
The tobacco-free campus policy extends to all NWOSU buildings owned, leased or maintained by NWOSU. All students, visitors and employees will be expected to support and adhere to the policy.
What will NWOSU do about people leaving the campus or going across the street or into neighboring properties to smoke?
The NWOSU community asks our students and employees to help maintain a positive relationship with our neighbors, and to respect neighboring properties outside the campus. Tobacco use and smoking off campus does not give anyone permission to litter, loiter or trespass on private or public property. Property owners have the right to enforce their boundaries, including trespass warnings and requesting police action.
How will the tobacco-free policy be enforced?
The success of this policy will depend on the thoughtfulness, consideration and cooperation of tobacco users and non tobacco users. Faculty, staff and students have a collective responsibility to promote the safety and health of the campus community, and therefore share in the responsibility of enforcement. Individuals observed smoking or using tobacco products are to be reminded in a professional and courteous manner of the university policy. Non-compliance of the tobacco policy will be handled through existing campus processes.
What will happen to employees, students and visitors who do not comply with the tobacco-free policy?
Employees who choose not to cooperate or repeatedly violate university policy will be reported to their supervisor. The supervisor will be responsible for enforcing the work place rules for their staff. If an employee repeatedly violates the tobacco-free policy, another employee can report him or her to a supervisor. NWOSU will follow standard employee disciplinary procedures for compliance problems to include verbal correction, written warning, investigatory leave and final written warning. Students who choose not to cooperate or repeatedly violate university policy may be subject to one or more sanctions, for example: warnings, community service assignments, housing contract cancellations and ultimately temporary or permanent dismissal from the university, in which all may apply to this type of policy infraction - pending an investigation and a consideration of conduct history. Visitors may be asked by the NWOSU Campus Police to leave university premises for failure to comply.
How do you file a complaint on a student, employee or visitor whom you have seen using tobacco products on campus?
A. Students
All NWOSU Students shall be directed to Matt Adair, assistant dean of Student Affairs and Recruitment and director of housing, at (580) 327-8418 or wmadair@nwosu.edu or appropriate campus Dean in Enid or Woodward.
B. Faculty and Staff
Faculty and Staff shall be directed to Calleb Mosburg, Dean of Student Affairs/Enrollment Management, at (580) 327-8415 or cnmosburg@nwosu.edu, or appropriate campus Dean in Enid or Woodward.
C. Visitors
Visitors shall be directed to Calleb Mosburg, Dean of Student Affairs/Enrollment Management, at (580) 327-8415 or cnmosburg@nwosu.edu, or appropriate campus Dean in Enid or Woodward. The visitor may be asked to leave the university premises for failure to comply.
What campus resources are available for NWOSU students and employees who wish to stop using tobacco products?
A wide selection of medical services, counseling services, and self-help materials are available today to help smokers and tobacco users quit successfully. Taylor Wilson provides cessation help and support (contact information below).
Taylor Wilson LPC (All Students & Faculty)
Director of Counseling and Career Services
Ryerson Hall 209
(580) 327-8547
Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline (All Students & Faculty)
A FREE service available 24/7
SmokefreeTXT -- Text QUIT to IQUIT (47848)
1-800-793-1552 (Spanish)
1-877-777-6534 (Deaf or Hard of Hearing)
Cessation Programs - How to Get Help
Do you want to quit smoking or using tobacco products? Do you know someone that wants help quitting? Northwestern Oklahoma State University is committed to providing its students, employees, and visitors a safe and healthy environment. The following resources are available if you are interested in stopping the use of tobacco:
Calleb Mosburg (All Students & Faculty)
Dean of Student Affairs/Enrollment Management
Ryerson Hall 126
(580) 327-8415
Taylor Wilson LPC (All Students & Faculty)
Director of Counseling and Career Services
Ryerson Hall 209
(580) 327-8547
Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline (All Students & Faculty)
A FREE Service available 24/7
SmokefreeTXT -- Text QUIT to IQUIT (47848)
1-800-793-1552 (Spanish)
1-877-777-6534 (Deaf or Hard of Hearing)
The Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust is pleased to offer the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline, a FREE service for all Oklahomans with a desire to stop smoking or using other tobacco products.
Through the Helpline, callers receive one-on-one quit coaching, specialized materials, and referrals to community resources. Callers interested in receiving follow-up can enroll in the Helpline's multiple call program in which they will receive a series of telephone based coaching sessions with the same Quit Coach throughout their quitting process.
Participants in the multiple call program may also receive free nicotine patches, or gum, or they may be referred to their health insurance plan or health care professional for additional treatment.
If you'd like to quit tobacco, we invite you to begin your journey with this quality, professional service, and give yourself every chance to make this quit attempt a successful one!