Training Practice
This is the title, and it is using Heading 1 - Don't forget to save often!
This is the body test.
At the heart of Northwestern traditions is the homecoming event. The Alva community, Northwestern alumni, current students, faculty and staff, as well as prospective students and bands from surrounding areas join in celebrating the Ranger family. Homecoming events such as the Miss Cinderella Pageant for high school senior females, the homecoming parade, band and parade float competitions, Ranger Royalty, and more are all funded strictly through the purchase of Northwestern’s annual themed homecoming button.
First thing to do is find any misspellings or the word "Empty" on the page and fix the words or delete "Empty."
Link this text to a PDF by highlighting some words and browsing to find a PDF.
Under this text, create a bullet point list naming three colors:
(Once everyone is finished with the above instructions, we'll do the following all together.
At the heart of Northwestern traditions is the fall homecoming event. The Alva community, Northwestern alumni, current students, faculty and staff, as well as prospective students and bands from surrounding areas join in celebrating the Ranger family. Homecoming events such as the Miss Cinderella Pageant for high school senior females, the homecoming parade, band and parade float competitions, Ranger Royalty, and more are all funded strictly through the purchase of Northwestern’s annual themed homecoming button.
Each homecoming button is numbered and has a chance to win $500 in Alva Chamber Bucks. The winning button will be drawn during the homecoming football game, and the drawn number must be present to win.
Once you have three or four paragraphs of text below, use the Photo tool, then browse to find David Pecha's headshot (pecha72.jpg) in the File Browser, select it and wait for instructions from Valarie on what needs to be done inside the "Image Properties" area.
Contact Information
Office of Recruitment
Matt Adair
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and Recruitment
Fine Arts 117
(580) 327-8418
Insert a Red/Black box here and link it to /homecoming (we'll do this all at the same time after finishing all the instructions at left)
(don't delete these words until you're following the instructions in green above)
NOTE: You DO NOT need to format the text of the words at left. They are set up to be all caps even if you do not type them as all caps. If you copy/paste a word into this area, you may need to strip the formatting from the text for the words to appear correctly. See what they look like by using your Incognito page and browsing to /homecoming.
Homecoming Buttons
Funds from the sale of Northwestern’s Homecoming Buttons are the main source of income for Homecoming.
The button is only $10 and provides entrance to the Miss Cinderella Pageant competition and Talent Night, the football game, as well as discounts and other incentives from a list of Alva merchants during the week of homecoming; it’s more than a $38 value! Each homecoming button is numbered and has a chance to win $500 in Alva Chamber Bucks. The winning button will be drawn during the homecoming football game, and the drawn number must be present to win.
(fix the Homecoming button to be on the right side of the text with the text wrapping around it on the left side.)
Alva Homecoming Button Sales Locations
Alva Chamber of Commerce 502 Okla. Blvd. (580) 327-1647; Alva Vision Clinic 504 College (580) 327-2393; Holder Drug 513 Barnes St. (580) 327-3332; La Dee Da's 428 Flynn (580) 327-0382; NWOSU Campus 709 Okla. Blvd. (580) 327-8536; Shepherd Oil Convenience Store 1512 E. Okla. Blvd. (580) 3327-8055; Sights and Sounds/Radio Shack 609 College (580) 327-0409; Rialto Cinema 516 Flynn (580) 327-0535
Woodward Homecoming Button Sales Location
Edward Jones 1725 Okla. Ave. Suite 2 (580) 256-2249
Enid Homecoming Buttons Contact Button Chairman Karen Koehn kkoehn@nwtech.edu (580) 327-7273 (make this email active)
1. Scholarship Application for Freshmen and Transfers ( use this link to make the words at left hyperlink to the form: /forms/online-scholarship-application-for-freshmen-and-transfers)
MAY 15 - First-time Freshmen Deadline: complete the application and provide a seven-semester transcript (best if returned by March 31) for best consideration.
JULY 15 - Transfer Students Deadline: complete the application and provide verification of your cumulative grade point average for best consideration. All Bridge Program students transfering from NOC must also fill out this form.
2. Continuing Student Scholarship Application ( use this link: /forms/continuing-student-scholarship-application)
Do I have to include my parents' information on the FAFSA?
There are 13 questions on the FAFSA that determine whether a student is “independent” or “dependent.” If you can answer any one question “Yes” and have the documentation to verify the answer, you are “independent” and can skip questions about your parent’s income and assets.
Can I work during the break between semesters?
Any work performed by a student during breaks must be approved in advance by the Financial Aid Office. (link to the Financial Aid page using /paying-for-college/financial-aid