Life at Northwestern-Enid through pictures!
If you want to see photos taken at events and activities at Northwestern-Enid, please visit our Photo Collection on Flickr at https://www.flickr.com/photos/nwosu-rangers/collections/72157721715431152/.
Commencement, Nurses Pinning & Education Pinning Photos
If you're looking for photos from graduation and pinning ceremonies, visit our "Collection" of photos of all commencement and pinning-related photos from various years starting in 2004 through present day at https://www.flickr.com/photos/nwosu-rangers/collections/72157721573883191 or copy and paste the link directly into your browser.
All graduation photos from both the fall and spring semester ceremonies are located here dating back to snapshots during the Fall 2004 ceremony. We only started shooting digital photos of the actual commencement ceremony in Fall 2005. All other commencement photos were shot on film, and a print was mailed to the graduate along with the negative.
NWOSU Homecoming Photos
Homecoming-related photos, which include to the Miss Cinderella Pageant, may be found at https://www.flickr.com/photos/nwosu-rangers/collections/72157721568384563/.include
NWOSU-Alva Photos
If you'd like to see photos taken through the years from the main campus in Alva, visit www.nwosu.edu/university-relations/nwosu-photos.