Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate
The primary purpose of the Faculty Senate is to encourage, promote, and channel faculty participation in the shaping of university policy. The objectives of the Faculty Senate are formulated with the clear understanding that the university president and/or boards of regents are charged with the final responsibility for the operation of the institution; therefore, the following objectives will be exercised in the context of recommendations:
- to provide the faculty and administration with opportunities for identifying and considering problems related to academic excellence and personnel policies, and for recommending solutions to such problems,
- to provide the faculty and administration a forum for communication,
- to provide for greater utilization of creative and innovative faculty resources.
The Faculty Senate recommends membership of university committees, with the exception of the Graduate, Teacher Education, and Study Abroad committees, to the president for final approval. The Constitution of the Faculty Senate of Northwestern can be found in an Appendix of the Faculty Handbook.
Faculty Senate Members
At large members (serving 2024-25):
Dr. Roxie James -President 2025
Dr. Jenny Sattler -Secretary 2025
Designated members (serving 2025-26):
Dr. Eduardo Moreira (Arts & Sciences)
Dr. Mary Riegel (Arts & Sciences) -Vice-President 2025
Mrs. Heidi Ritchie (Extended Campuses)
Dr. Jennifer Mahieu (Professional Studies)
Dr. Mark Zadorozny (Professional Studies)
Senate Research and/or Recommendations
Current Resolution on Guns on Campus
2015 Office Hours Research
Office Hours and Teaching Loads at Sister Institutions
Office Hours and Teaching Loads at Sister Institutions Summary
Survey on Office Hours-RESULTS November 2015
Faculty Senate Recommendation on Workload