Diversity at Northwestern
Service Area Diversity Facts
Diversity is respected at Northwestern Oklahoma State University, and individual differences are embraced as learning opportunities for campus community members. Northwestern recognizes that a dynamic diversity program is an essential dimension of any academic institution. As the world continues to change and technology creates global economic opportunities regardless of geographic location, we must prepare students to meet those evolving demands.
Northwestern's service area's population composition creates challenging experiences for faculty and students. As such, the diversity program at Northwestern, led by qualified faculty and staff, annually assesses and evaluates the ever-changing student and campus community needs regarding diversity and plans diversity awareness, engagement, and training opportunities to meet those needs.
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Click on the State of Oklahoma image above to open links to the U.S. Census Bureau's Quick Facts for each county in Northwestern's service area.
Service Area Demographic Analysis
Northwestern's service area counties had an estimated population in 2022 of 201,274 people.
The sub-group population composition is as follows:
84.75% of this population is White, and 15.49% are Hispanic or Latino. The remaining population comprises Native Americans, Asians, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, African Americans, and Mixed-Race individuals. The county with the largest Native American population is Kay County. 12.0% of the population in Kay County are Native American. Texas County has the highest population of Hispanics. Hispanics comprise 48.10% of Texas County's population. Garfield County has the highest African American population. However, in Texas County, they make up 5.30% of the population, the highest percentage of all counties in the service area. Garfield County is the most populated county in the service area, constituting 31% of the total service area population. Kay County has the most significant percentage (82.40%) of individuals 25 years and older without a bachelor's degree.
Oklahoma's Medium Household Income (MHI) is $56,956 (in 2021 dollars) for 2017-2021. The counties in Northwest Oklahoma exhibit an average MHI of $56,077 from 2017 to 2021.
15.60% of the population of Oklahoma is at or below the federal poverty line. In Northwest Oklahoma, the percentage of individuals living at or below the poverty line is 13.8%.
We recognize that the English as a Second Language (ESL) learner population is growing in the northwest region of the state, and we also know that the first-generation college attendee population is rapidly growing. As Northwestern designs recruitment, retention, and advisement programs, we are attentive to the unique needs of these students.
(U. S. Census Bureau-Quick Facts - updated May 2023)
Significant Service Area Demographics
- Under Age 18 = 25.25%
- Over Age 65 = 17.75%
- White = 84.75%
- Black = 2.80%
- American-Indian = 5.59%
- Asian = 1.15%
- Hispanic = 15.49%*
- NHPI = 1.54%+
- Foreign Born = 6.91%
- Non-English Speaker = 12.68%
- Dependency Ratio = 1:1.33
- Gender = Female 48.76%
- Individuals ages 25+ with a Bachelor's Degree or Higher = 21.90%
- Individuals under age 65 without Health Insurance = 19.13%
- Individuals under Age 65 with a Disability = 12.83%
*Explanatory Note: Hispanics or Latinos can be of any race, so the combined population percentage totals will not total 100 percent.
+Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
(U. S. Census Bureau-Quick Facts - updated May 2023)
Dr. Roger Brown
Associate Professor of Business
Division of Business
Northwestern - Alva
Jesse Dunn 201C
Phone: (580) 327-8509
Diversity Statement
Northwestern values the differences of every individual and promotes the expression of differing opinions and beliefs, appreciates the culture and backgrounds of each person, and treats every person with respect. The Northwestern community considers diversity an indispensable component of academic and personal excellence. It embraces the concept that a diverse learning environment fosters a rich civic learning and engagement process that prepares us to live in an increasingly globalized and complex world.
Civility Statement
The Northwestern community practices the values of inclusivity, informed and respectful dialogue, collegiality, and acceptance of difference. We encourage the development of a civil community that values critical inquiry, discovery, innovation, integrity, and personal dignity. Our goal is to appreciate and consider individual feelings and circumstances as we cultivate an atmosphere of civility and trust within the learning environment and the broader communities we serve.