(For best results, please fill out this form using the Google Chrome Browser. If using your phone, you may need an Adobe Acrobat Reader-type app if filling out the PDF version of the form.) For Art Show rules, information, categories, etc., click HERE Once you have filled out the form below, you will need to prepare your artwork paying close attention to how you are presenting it. Mounting, matting, framing, etc., are an important part of your overall art piece. Do not put your photo entries in a frame - only mount or mat.
Important Dates to Remember:
+ Registration Deadline – Feb. 21 (form sent via mail, campus mail, in person, by e-mail (tacornell@nwosu.edu) or via the online form. + Art Drop-Off Day at Alva Campus Library - Feb. 25, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Feb. 26, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The NWOSU Art Society and the J.W. Martin Library are not responsible for the loss or damage of any artwork. Any work deemed inappropriate by NAS and school standards will not be displayed. Upon hitting the submit button, a confirmation of your entry should be emailed to the address you provide below. Thanks!
For each category you have entered, please use the boxes below to list out the following information: Category Name, Title of Piece, Size of Piece, Materials/Medium used. You may list up to two entries in each category. -- Examples:
If you have no artwork in a specific category, type NA into the description box.
By checking this box, you are providing your electronic signature.