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Graduate Studies


The Master of Science in General Psychology (MGP) degree is a 34-hour program.  The MGP program is totally digitally-accessible in that it can be completed remotely with a combination of Zoom and online classes.  Contact Dr. Taylor Randolph for specific information about the program details or requirements, the application/interview process, or for any questions you may have.

Why choose the MGP Program?

MGP Program Admission Requirements

Goals of the MGP Program

MGP Curriculum

Plan of Study and Graduate Advisory Committee Forms

Out-of-state Tuition Waiver

The Master of Science of General Psychology program prepares students for various careers that prefer/require a Master's degree, including:

  • teaching
  • data analysis and research
  • social services
  • human resources
  • administration
  • program development and management
  • instructional design
  • public or private institution support
  • marketing, advertising, and social media coordination
  • healthcare administation and support
  • preparation for doctoral program
  • various occupations that prefer/require a graduate degree in general, or a graduate degree in a social science more specifically

​Faculty work one-on-one with students in the MGP program to develop a personalized plan of study that meets your short- and long-term career goals and academic interests.  One important strength of the MGP program is the flexibility it allows in the personalization of your program.  Another strength is the fact that faculty members mentor MGP students one-on-one throughout the program, strengthening your development in psychology.  All aspects of the program and individual plans of study are centered around success within the program and in your professional journey that follows.  The MGP program is totally digitally-accessible in that it can be completed remotely with a combination of Zoom and online classes. 

Out-of-state tuition waiver: All newly admitted students receive the GO OK! Tuition Waiver which decreases the out-of-state tuition rate to the in-state tuition rate (plus $45/hour).  Details about credit hour cost are here: https://www.nwosu.edu/paying-for-college/graduate-degree-program-costs.  

Testimonials From Recent Graduates

Chad Woods - Blackwell, OK
“When I first entered the psychology program, I already knew that I wanted to get my masters and so I chose General Psychology program. The work while hard and challenging, was just what I needed to advance my understanding in psychology and bring out the best of abilities. The staff here at NWOSU provided a level of 1 on 1 care and quality of education that I would be unable to find anywhere else. With both the education and opportunities that NWOSU has provided, I get to live my dream teaching at the collegiate level and for that I could not be more grateful.”

Elizabeth Dwyer - Wichita, KS
“Words cannot describe how helpful and understanding Dr. Widick, Mrs. Kline, and Dr. Kirby have been. Each of them has gone out of their way to help me, whether it be proofing a paper, writing letters of recommendation, coming with me to Weatherford for Oklahoma Research Day, or just letting me come into their offices and rant. They have always been there for me, and I could not have made it through undergraduate and graduate without them. It was a pleasure getting to know each of them, and I am so honored I was in their courses. Beyond them, the graduate office has always been incredibly helpful whenever I have a question. I would not have gone to get my Masters anywhere else.”


Why choose the MGP Program?

The Master of Science of General Psychology program prepares students for various careers that prefer/require a Master's degree, including:

  • teaching
  • data analysis and research
  • social services
  • human resources
  • administration
  • program development and management
  • instructional design
  • public or private institution support
  • marketing, advertising, and social media coordination
  • healthcare administation and support
  • preparation for doctoral program
  • various occupations that prefer/require a graduate degree in general, or a graduate degree in a social science more specifically

​Faculty work one-on-one with students in the MGP program to develop a personalized plan of study that meets your short- and long-term career goals and academic interests.  One important strength of the MGP program is the flexibility it allows in the personalization of your program.  Another strength is the fact that faculty members mentor MGP students one-on-one throughout the program, strengthening your development in psychology.  All aspects of the program and individual plans of study are centered around success within the program and in your professional journey that follows.  The MGP program is totally digitally-accessible in that it can be completed remotely with a combination of Zoom and online classes. 

Out-of-state tuition waiver: All newly admitted students receive the GO OK! Tuition Waiver which decreases the out-of-state tuition rate to the in-state tuition rate (plus $45/hour).  Details about credit hour cost are here: https://www.nwosu.edu/paying-for-college/graduate-degree-program-costs.  

MGP Program Admission Requirements

Applications will be reviewed and processed on a rolling basis as they are submitted.  In addition to the Graduate Office admission requirements, applicants must also meet the following additional requirements in order to be accepted into the Master of Science in General Psychology program:

  • Baccalaureate degree with at least 12 credit hours in psychology or related field from an accredited program.
  • An overall grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in the last 60 hours of courses required for the undergraduate degree. (conditional admittance is possible if this criteria is not met)
  • Completion of an undergraduate or graduate course in descriptive or inferential statistics with a grade of "C" or better. (conditional admittance is possible if this criteria is not complete)
  • Completion of an undergraduate or graduate course in research methodology with a grade of "C" or better. (conditional admittance is possible if this criteria is not complete)
  • Submission of completed Program Application with a personal statement and a resume/curriculum-vitae.
  • Submission of three (3) letters of recommendation attesting to academic ability, professional competency, and personal character.
  • Complete an interview with psychology department graduate faculty.  The application/interview process must be completed prior to enrolling in the 10th graduate hour.
  • Optional: A score that places the individual at the 25th percentile or higher on two of the three areas (verbal, quantitative, and writing) of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), or at the 25th percentile or higher on the Miller Analogies Test (MAT).  Note: GRE/MAT scores are not required for program admittance, but can be submitted to strengthen the application if it may be helpful. Please ask us if you are not sure if you need this option.
  • If you have questions about any of the requirements or critera, please ask us because we may be able to accomodate your situation in a unique way.
  • Out-of-state tuition waiver: All newly admitted students receive the GO OK! Tuition Waiver which decreases the out-of-state tuition rate to the in-state tuition rate (plus $45/hour).  Details about credit hour cost are here: https://www.nwosu.edu/paying-for-college/graduate-degree-program-costs.

Goals of the MGP Program

The goal of the MGP degree is to make a contribution to the supply of academically prepared graduates who will perform necessary duties in the field of behavioral sciences.  More specifically, graduates will be prepared to:

  1. Evaluate and utilize advanced knowledge and theories from psychology and related disciplines to indentify, develop, and implement best practices in the Behavioral Sciences field.
  2. Summarize and critique the psychology literature including core theories.
  3. Demonstrate their understanding and ability to implement basic and applied research designs used to address psychological issues.
  4. Engage in complex, evidence-based practice.
  5. Communicate both orally and in writing at a level that is appropriate for professionals in the Behavioral Sciences field.
  6. Demonstrate the ability to work ethically and effectively with diverse populations.
  7. Evaluate innovative approaches to mental health issues leading to holistic care for individuals, families, and communities.
  8. Demonstrate critical thinking and accountability related to behavioral sciences.

MGP Curriculum

Required Course (taken during first semester):
  EDUC 5010 - Graduate Study Seminar

Required Core Courses (18 hours):
  PSYC 5053 Advanced Social Psychology 
  PSYC 5173 - Statistics for Assessment 
  PSYC 5183 - Human Growth and Development
  PSYC 5453 - Advanced Cognitive Psychology
  PSYC 5623 - Advanced Personality
  PSYC 5013 - Introduction to Research

Electives Courses (12 hours, at least 9 in psychology):
  PSYC 5013 Ethics
  PSYC 5043 Advanced Human Sexuality
  PSYC 5133 Assessment: Achievement, Personality, and Cognitive
  PSYC 5190 Readings in the Teaching of Psychology (arranged course)
  PSYC 5203 Family Systems
  PSYC 5213 Advanced Abnormal Psychology 
  PSYC 5293 Advanced Psychopharmacology
  PSYC 5353 Addictions and the Family Theory
  PSYC 5500 Practicum in the Teaching of Psychology (arranged course)
  PSYC 5513 Advanced Adolescent Guidance
  PSYC 5613 Advanced Child Guidance
  PSYC 5633 Advanced Statistics
  PSYC 5823 Multicultural Counseling
  PSYC 5833 Career Education
  EDUC 5212 Psychology of Teaching
  EDUC 5923 Adult Cognitive Styles and Individual Differences

Required Capstone/Thesis (4–6 hours)
  PSYC 5914 Capstone Project
  PSYC 5330 Thesis (4-6 hours)

Plan of Study and Graduate Advisory Committee Forms

Out-of-state Tuition Waiver

All newly admitted students receive the GO OK! Tuition Waiver which decreases the out-of-state tuition rate to the in-state tuition rate (plus $45/hour).  Continuing students must maintain a retention/graduation GPA of 3.00.  Details about credit hour cost are here: https://www.nwosu.edu/paying-for-college/graduate-degree-program-costs.

Northwestern Oklahoma State University

709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717
Phone: (580) 327-1700

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