Graduate Studies
DNP General Information
Please read the information below carefully and comply with all requests. A link to a form requiring your digital signature indicating that you have read, understand and comply with all requests provided within this General Information area is at the bottom of this section.
Information below will include:
- General Information
- Record of Arrest or Commitment for Mental Incompetence
1. General Information
A. In order to be licensed as a DNP/FNP, an individual must be a graduate of a State approved Nursing Program, such as Northwestern Oklahoma State University. Candidates for licensure as a Family Nurse Practitioner in Oklahoma must pass either the Family Nurse Practitioner certification exam through the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) or American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program (AANPCP).
B. Travel Requirements: A one-week summer residency is required before beginning clinical experiences on the Alva Campus. Your project defense is also held on the Alva Campus during your last semester. You will be responsible for the costs associated with the Residency sessions. Students will be responsible for any expenses associated with travel to precepted clinical experience sites.
C. Student’s expenses will include liability insurance at the beginning of each year while in the Nursing Program.
D. Drug testing is a clinical requirement at the student’s expense. An additional student charge may be required by governing agencies. Random drug screens may occur throughout the DNP program.
E. A national background check is required annually at the student’s expense.
You should keep a copy of all forms and documents submitted for your records.
Services for Students with Disabilities
Any student needing academic accommodations for a physical, mental or learning disability should contact the Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities, or faculty member personally, within the first two weeks of the semester so that appropriate accommodations may be arranged. The location for ADA assistance is the Fine Arts building room 126 on the Alva Campus and the contact is Calleb Mosburg.
Reference: Current Northwestern Oklahoma State University Undergraduate Catalog
2. Record of Arrest or Commitment for Mental Incompetence
It is the responsibility of the Division of Nursing to inform current and prospective students who have been arrested/convicted, for any charge or have been committed by a court for mental incompetence, of the rules and regulations of the Oklahoma Board of Nursing related to initial licensure.
Arrest/Convictions include felonies or lesser charges
If a student has been adjudicated as mentally incompetent or mentally ill (that is, committed by a court as mentally ill), the student may be denied admission to the nursing program.
Faculty who are concerned with the welfare of the student with a “mental health history” have the right to explore with the student the past health history, current treatment, and/or request a recent statement from the student’s physician. The student may be referred for mental health counseling.
1. The student informs the Division of Nursing Chair of any records of arrests and/or commitments for mental incompetence. This includes events occurring while in the program. NOTE: This is a requirement. Failure to do so may lead to dismissal from the program.
2. The Division of Nursing Chair informs the student of the Oklahoma Board of Nursing rules and regulations and the possible implications.
3. The Division of Nursing Chair assists the person in contacting the Oklahoma Board of Nursing for further counseling if deemed necessary.
Reference: Current Northwestern Oklahoma State University Division of Nursing Student Handbook policy on record of arrest or commitment for mental incompetence.
Statement of Responsibility
The Wisdom Family Foundation Doctoral Program for Rural Nursing Practice in the Charles Morton Share Division of Nursing of Northwestern Oklahoma State University is provisionally approved by the Oklahoma Board of Nursing. Applicants for Oklahoma Advanced Practice Registered Nurse licensure must meet all state and federal requirements to hold an Oklahoma license to practice nursing. In addition to completing a state-approved advanced practice nursing education program, requirements include submission of an application for advanced practice licensure with a national criminal history records search and successfully passing the national certification examination. To be granted a license, an applicant must have the legal right to reside in the United States (United States Code Chapter 8, Section 1621). The Board has the right to deny a license to an individual with a history of criminal background, disciplinary action on another health-related license or certification, or judicial declaration of mental incompetence [59 O.S. §567.8]. These cases are considered on an individual basis at the time application for licensure is made, with the exception of felony charges. An individual with a felony conviction cannot apply for licensure for at least five years after completion of all sentencing terms, including probation and suspended sentences, unless a presidential or gubernatorial pardon is received [59 O.S. §567.5 & 567.6].