Home of the Rangers Mural

Information Technology

Our Office of Information Technology staff is here to help you with various computer, telephone and email issues as well as providing information on demographic/survey data, Self-Service, Blackboard and distance learning areas. 


Craig RickeCraig Ricke, Director of Information Technology
Shockley Hall 208 | (580) 327-8602 | caricke@nwosu.edu

  • Computer Hardware/Software Purchases
  • Telephone System
  • Server/Network Problems
  • Computer Lab Support
  • Computer Hardware/Software Support

Leeta GrimsleyLeeta Grimsley, Assistant Director/Systems Specialist
Shockley Hall 206 | (580) 327-8585 | lagrimsley@nwosu.edu

  • Computer Software/Hardware Support
  • Computer Lab Support
  • Telephone System
  • Server/Network Problems
  • Student Email Support

Dalton MoserDalton Moser, Database Analyst/Programmer
Shockley Hall 207 | (580) 327-8611 | ddmoser@nwosu.edu

  • Self-Service Support
  • Student Email Support
  • Blackboard Support
  • Demographic/Survey Data

Christian Hawkes, Database Analyst
Shockley Hall 110 | (580) 327-8612 | clhawkes@nwosu.edu

  • Database Analysis/Report Generation
  • Demographic/Survey Data

Megan Garnett, Institutional Research Specialist
Shockley Hall 209 | (580) 327-8601 | megarnett@nwosu.edu

  • Demographic/Survey Data


Blake GarnettBlake Garnett, Systems Analyst
Shockley Hall 209 | (580) 327-8600 | brgarnett@nwosu.edu

  • Computer Lab Support
  • Computer Software/Hardware Support
  • Network Support

Emergency Text Message Alert System

Beware of Phishing or Scam Emails

Northwestern has installed a cell alert system that utilizes text messaging services via cell phones to alert students, faculty and staff in the event of an emergency. 

Students and employees are automatically entered to receive both email notifications and text messages through cell phone numbers we have on file.

Depending on the type of plan you have with your provider, you may incur minimal costs for any text messages you receive.

We encourage all students and employees to sign up for this service as soon as possible.







Contacts for Distance Learning/ITV/Blackboard:

  • Distance Learning-Alva
    • Support (580) 327-8166
    • Scheduling & Support - Rebecca Hicks, Distance Learning Coordinator, (580) 327-8169
  • Distance Learning-Enid
    • Support & Scheduling - Rebecca Hicks, Distance Learning Coordinator, (580) 213-3155
  • Distance Learning-Woodward
    • (580) 254-2503

Emergency Text Message Alert System

Northwestern has installed a cell alert system that utilizes text messaging services via cell phones to alert students, faculty and staff in the event of an emergency. 

Students and employees are automatically entered to receive both email notifications and text messages through cell phone numbers we have on file.

Depending on the type of plan you have with your provider, you may incur minimal costs for any text messages you receive.

We encourage all students and employees to sign up for this service as soon as possible.

Beware of Phishing or Scam Emails

Please use caution when you receive a strange email message, especially those with attachments, links, or ones asking you to do something.

Do not click on links in these emails or open attachments from emails that seem suspicious to you. Doing so may take you to a site that could install spyware or viruses to your computer.

Check the sender’s address, if it is incorrect, delete the message. You may know the person's name attached to it, but the email address isn't accurate. If you aren’t sure about it, contact the sender through a different means to see if it is legitimate.

Sometimes these emails are poorly written and words are misspelled.

Spammers will target a specific department and try to impersonate the department chair.  In some cases, the spammer will ask the person to purchase gift cards, take a picture of them, and send the pictures, they may ask for a phone number, and the email may create a sense of urgency for you to do something for them.

You also may contact the IT Office to report an email that you believe may be spam - (580) 327-8602 or caricke@nwosu.edu

Northwestern Oklahoma State University

709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717
Phone: (580) 327-1700

© 2008-2025 Northwestern Oklahoma State
University. All Rights Reserved.

Mission Statement

Northwestern Oklahoma State University provides quality educational and cultural opportunities to learners with diverse needs by cultivating ethical leadership and service, critical thinking and fiscal responsibility.

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