14 Northwestern employees finish Wellness Center's Complete 180 Challenge

February 26, 2019

Employees who completed the J.R. Holder Wellness Center Complete 180 Challenge  

Fourteen Northwestern Oklahoma State University employees who finished the J.R. Holder Wellness Center Complete 180 Challenge were treated to a celebratory lunch at the Wellness Center. Winners in attendance with the Wellness Center directors (left to right) are Dr. Aaron Mason, Sheri Lahr, Debbie Skinner, Dr. David Pecha, Kevin Fields, Leeta Grimsley, Dr. Jennifer Page, assistant director Olivia Yandel, and director Richard Burdick. Not pictured are Debbie Anderson, Jacob Boggess, Jordan Franz, Kendall Hadsell, DaNae Hagelberg, Dr. Bo Hannaford and Eric Tutwiler.

Fourteen Northwestern Oklahoma State University employees finished the J.R. Holder Wellness Center Complete 180 Challenge.

Richard Burdick, director at the Wellness Center, said the Complete 180 Challenge was open to all Northwestern employees with current IDs where they completed 30 minutes of working out each day in a “turnaround” and half a year.

The challenge began on Feb. 1, 2018, and ended on Feb. 1, 2019. In this challenge employees had the chance to win prizes based on their check-ins to the Wellness Center. The only requirements were to check in for “The Health 180” at the front desk and complete 30 minutes of exercise.

“I feel proud of myself for completing the Complete 180 Challenge,” Debbie Skinner, administrative assistant to the vice president for academic affairs, said.

Skinner said the rewards in the challenge kept her motivated to go work out at the Wellness Center even on the days when she would have rather just gone home after work.

“I wanted that Amazon card,” Skinner said. “And I feel better!”

Other Northwestern employees who finished the Complete 180 Challenge include Debbie Anderson, custodial supervisor; Jacob Boggess, Coronado Hall supervisor; Kevin Fields, health and safety officer; Jordan Franz, associate head coach men’s basketball; Leeta Grimsley, assistant director, systems specialist of information technology; Kendall Hadsell, adjunct instructor of education; DaNae Hagelberg, Foundation and Alumni Association development officer; Dr. Bo Hannaford, vice president for academic affairs; Sheri Lahr, registrar; Dr. Aaron Mason, professor of political science; Dr. Jennifer Page, assistant professor of English; Dr. David Pecha, vice president for administration; Skinner; and Eric Tutwiler, maintenance.

Burdick said there are approximately 200-250 employees at Northwestern, but only 69 participated in the Complete 180 Challenge.

“I think the Wellness Center is one of the greatest benefits for campus employees since it provides a means by which to improve one's health,” Dr. Mason said. “That, coupled with these kinds of incentives, provides a tremendous justification for employees to regularly work out. I was very grateful for this and look forward to future, similar opportunities.”

The Wellness Center will be starting another wellness challenge March 1 – the 15 for 15 Challenge – that will continue through Dec. 30. For every 15 check-in’s an employee makes, they will receive a $15 gift card. The employee must check in and workout for at least 30 minutes within the facility. Employees can only get one check in during the a.m. and one check in during the p.m. Employees must use a current Northwestern employee ID to check in.

For more information on the 15 for 15 Challenge contact Burdick at (580) 327-8109 or rpburdick@nwosu.edu.


Erin Davis University Relations Specialist
eedavis@nwosu.edu, 580-327-8480

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