15 Woodward High School Students Visit Northwestern-Alva for ‘Teach Oklahoma’

October 29, 2021

WHS students and sponsor with NWOSU students

Students from Woodward High School visiting Northwestern recently to learn more about the teacher education program include left to right (front row) Northwestern education students Hannah Mosburg, Susannah Welty, WHS students Perla Lizardo, Juliani Ponce, Sandy Ayil, Maya Pittman, sponsor JoLynn Love, (middle row) Northwestern students Erika Hernandez, Lashon Chew, WHS students Fernando Villalba, Jynel Herrera, Jessica Smith, Hannah Paul, Meadow Taylor, Lupe Hernandez, Kalei Peterson, Kenzie Winsett, (back row) Northwestern student Matt Voth, WHS students Roberto Nava, Hayleigh Phillips, Colton Devine, Northwestern students Noble Buckhaults and Juan Licea.

Northwestern Oklahoma State University-Alva played host to 15 Woodward High School students recently for the high school’s “Teach Oklahoma” course.

Teach Oklahoma was designed to mentor high school students about teaching and provide fundamental knowledge about the teaching profession in Oklahoma. The course is supported through the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.

Northwestern teacher candidates who assisted included Buffalo senior Noble Buckhaults, Elgin senior Lashon Chew, Laverne junior Erika Hernandez, Alva senior Juan Licea, Beaver senior Hannah Mosburg, Hutchinson, Kansas, sophomore Matt Voth and Alva senior Susannah Welty.

WHS students attending included Sandy Ayil, Colton Devine, Lupe Hernandez, Jynel Herrera, Perla Lizardo, Roberto Nava, Hannah Paul, Kalei Peterson, Hayleigh Phillips, Maya Pittman, Juliani Ponce, Jessica Smith, Meadow Taylor, Fernando Villalba, Kenzie Winsett and sponsor JoLynn Love.

While visiting Northwestern the students participated in teacher preparation classes and general education classes providing them with practical experiences in a college curriculum.

The high school students also toured the campus and had lunch in the Coronado Café. They were welcomed by Dr. Bo Hannaford, executive vice president, and Dr. James Bell, associate vice president for academics and dean of faculty. Specific information about Northwestern was presented by Calleb Mosburg, dean of student affairs and enrollment management. 

Dr. Christee Jenlink, professor of education, chair to the Division of Education and associate dean of the School of Education, understands and believes in the importance of students actively learning and getting hands-on experience, especially in the teaching field. 

“The importance of the Teach Oklahoma program cannot be overstated,” Jenlink said. “It plays a key role in what we are doing in our state to address the teacher shortage. The collaboration between the WHS program and NWOSU has been ongoing for five years, and we are seeing positive results because of it. These young people are not simply learning about the teaching profession. They are learning to be servant leaders in their schools and their communities, an attribute that goes beyond the walls of a classroom. Northwestern is honored to work with these young people.” 

Northwestern’s teacher education program, which is housed in the Division of Education, is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and approved by the Commission for Educational Quality and Accountability (CEOA).

For more information about Northwestern’s teaching programs contact Jenlink at (580) 327-8450 or cljenlink@nwosu.edu or visit their web page at www.nwosu.edu/school-of-professional-studies/education.


Erin Davis, University Relations Specialist

eedavis@nwosu.edu 580-327-8480

Northwestern Oklahoma State University

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