38 Northwestern nursing students honored at pinning ceremony
May 8, 2017

Group photo of nursing students
Northwestern nursing students who received their pins are (front row, left to right) Harley Wares, Abby Hand, Jacqueline Robison, Danielle Williams, Shannon Wooten, Cristina Perez-Macias, Julieta Carrillo-Chaparro, Taylor Brinkley and Shasta Alcorn; second row (from left to right) Bryanna Ross, Kelsey Hammock, Kayla Jantz, Kassy Roberts, Kristina Schmidt, Nyki Casillas; third row (from left to right) Lorene McGhee, Rebecca Ellis, Lane Smith, Shelby Smith, Ashley Watkins, Rebecca Punto, Cydni Phelps, Toni Fowler, Riley Bryant, Jonathan Allotey; back row (from left to right) Megan Middleton, Amy English, Nissi Jordan, Aubrey Clark, Lindsay Haas, Shanndi Boor, Whitney LeGrand-Wolf, Katie Welch, Molly Pain, Brooke Ortiz and Ashley Wintersteen.
Thirty-eight nursing students at Northwestern Oklahoma State University were honored with a traditional pinning ceremony on May 5, the day before their graduation.
Keynote speaker was Rachelle Burleson, chief nursing officer at St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center.
Dr. Shelly Wells, associate professor of nursing and chair to Northwestern’s Division of Nursing, presented each graduate with a pin. Dr. Leslie Collins, assistant professor of nursing and assistant chair for Division of Nursing, and Dr. Ramona Bartlow, assistant professor of nursing, gave each student their ceremonial nursing cord and recognition for completion of the nursing program.
The new nurses and their families also were guests at a reception in the ballroom following the ceremony.
Those completing their studies are Shasta Alcorn of Enid; Jonathan Allotey of Alva; Shanndi Boor of Medicine Lodge, Kansas; Taylor Brinkley of Weatherford; Riley Bryant of Alva; Julieta Carrillo-Chaparro of Texhoma; Nyki Casillas of Laverne; Aubrey Clark of Independence, Kansas; Rebecca Ellis of Springtown, Texas; Amy English of Woodward; Toni Fowler of Woodward; Angela Goodman of Enid; Kelsey Hammock of Enid; Abby Hand of Ponca City; Lindsay Haas of Coldwater, Kansas; George Holmes of Enid; Kayla Jantz of Enid; Nissi Jordan of Grand Prairie, Texas; Whitney LeGrand-Wolf of Pawnee; Lorene McGhee of Buffalo; Megan Middleton of Springfield, Illinois; Brooke Ortiz of Alva; Molly Payne of Enid; Cristina Perez-Macias of Enid; Cydni Phelps of Clearlake, Texas; Rebecca Punto of Claremore; Kassy Roberts of Ponca City; Jacquline Robison of Ponca City; Bryanna Ross of Ponca City; Kristina Schmidt of Cleo Springs; Lane Smith of Laverne; Shelby Smith of Alva; Harley Wares of Freedom; Ashley Watkins of Guthrie; Katie Welch of Fairview; Danielle Williams of Rowlett, Texas; Ashley Wintersteen of Conroe, Texas; and Shannon Wooten of Stillwater.
For more pictures from the event go to: http://bit.ly/NursingPinning2017
Ali Gavitt, University Relations Specialist
apgavitt@nwosu.edu, 580-327-848