Dr. Joseph Paul Presents at 31st ACBSP Conference in Texas
July 22, 2019

Dr. Joseph Paul
Dr. Joseph Paul, associate professor of business at Northwestern Oklahoma State University, recently presented at the 31st Annual Conference of Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs in Houston, Texas.
The four-day conference focused on the theme: The Art of Developing Entrepreneurial Leaders. Their mission is to help educators explore trends, assess quality and improve education. Keynote and breakout sessions were hosted by industry leaders covering teaching excellence, accreditation and the conference theme.
The conference had more than 800 delegates from all over the world – more than 32 countries were represented -- in attendance for paper and poster presentations, workshops and interactive sessions.
Paul gave his presentation titled “You Must First Die…To Go to Heaven” for the track of The Art of Developing Entrepreneurial Leaders (Knowledge, Skills, and Values).
“I am very thankful for the advisement and support I received from the faculty at Northwestern,” Paul said. “Dr. Steven Palmer advised me throughout this process, Dr. Jerry Gustafson served as my inspiration, and Dr. David Hawkins provided constant encouragement.”
He said his presentation gave an upfront differentiation between Entrepreneurial Leaders and Intrapreneurial Leaders. He addressed the unique skills and values leaders throughout history possessed and practiced in order to become successful entrepreneurs. His presentation also covered selected current Entrepreneurial Leaders such as Janice Bryant, Sanjiv Sidhu, Mark Dell and Reed Hastings.
“The common traits displayed by these leaders will be the skills and values that need to be appreciated and embraced,” Paul said.
For more information on this topic, contact Paul at (580) 213-3132 or jspaul@nwosu.edu.
Erin Davis, University Relations Specialist
eedavis@nwosu.edu, 580-327-8480