Dr. Leslie Collins Presents at 5th International ExamSoft Conference in Canada

July 9, 2019

Dr. Leslie Collins

         Dr. Leslie Collins

Dr. Leslie Collins, assistant chair of the Charles Morton Share Trust Division of Nursing at Northwestern Oklahoma State University, recently presented at the 5th International ExamSoft Assessment Conference in Montreal, Canada.

The three-day conference focused on education technology and exploring data assessment best practices. Their mission is to help educators improve learning outcomes and better prepare students for post-graduation success. Product training, keynote, and breakout sessions were hosted by thought leaders in the assessment field as well as ExamSoft professionals.

The conference had more than 400 delegates from all over the world.

Collins gave her presentation titled “Accreditation Categories: A Roadmap for Meeting the Standards!”

She said her presentation covered ways to use category tagging in course exams to increase data reports that show progress of meeting End of Program Student Learning Outcomes.  This is data that all accrediting bodies ask for and use to determine if continuing accreditation will be granted.

“In nursing education, one of the largest venues of stress is accreditation,” Collins said. “Each accrediting body has its own standards and expectations to meet. In addition, accreditation itself is time consuming—and time is something nurse educators constantly need more of, not less. Using End of Program Student Learning Outcomes as categories and assessing to what extent these outcomes are being met can be the answer to decreasing accreditation stress and the process taking less time.

“In nursing education we all seek the perfect data set to explain how well students are trending in our program outcomes. The Division of Nursing utilized the ExamSoft system to gain this data on our outcomes and use it to report the trending of our students’ success. The presentation demonstrated this process and the data that met the accreditation standards and was used to achieve a very successful accreditation review.”

For more information on this topic, contact Collins at (580) 327-8496 or lncollins@nwosu.edu.


Erin Davis, University Relations Specialist
eedavis@nwosu.edu, 580-327-8480

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