Eight Northwestern Social Work majors enter the field for practicum to apply core competencies, demonstrate practice behaviors

January 25, 2018

Eight Northwestern Oklahoma State University senior social work majors started their spring semester entering practicum agencies in Northwest Oklahoma to complete 420 contact hours, demonstrate 31 practice behaviors and master the program’s nine core competencies as outlined by the Council on Social Work Education.

“A crucial part of attaining your Bachelor of Social Work degree is the field experience component,” said Jennifer Pribble, assistant professor of social work and director of social work field education. “This component of the program allows students to develop practitioner skills to become a successful social worker upon graduation.”

Each student in their field practicum is assigned to a field instructor, someone with specific credentials in the agency to reinforce social work ideas, practice behaviors and competencies.

“Field Instructors are a crucial part of the field practicum experience,” Pribble said. “Field Instructors volunteer their time to assist with educating these young professionals. Without their contributions to our students, our program, and the social work profession field practicums would not be possible.”

Students currently in their field practicums with hometowns and their practicum agency placements are Sierra Dezort of Mutual, United Methodist Circle of Care in Woodward; Kanani Jones of Fort Supply, Northwest Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Waynoka; Dana Kausek of Enid, Millennium Community Services in Enid; Denise Lively of Woodward, Western Plains Youth and Family Services in Woodward; Sierra Miller of Enid, 4RKids Foundation in Enid; Annie Moss of Enid, Department of Human Services in Enid; Mario Perez of El Paso, Texas, Western Plains Youth and Family Services Woodward; and Levi Sanders of Goltry, Youth and Family Services of North Central Oklahoma in Enid.

For more information about Northwestern’s Social Work Program contact Jennifer Pribble at (580) 213-3148 or jlpribble@nwosu.edu.

Social work students starting their practicum hours this spring


Ali Gavitt, University Relations Specialist
apgavitt@nwosu.edu, 580-327-8480

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