Holliday chairs session at The Hemingway Society’s 20th Biennial International Hemingway Conference

August 30, 2024

Headshot of Dr. Shawn Holliday, who is the associate dean of the Graduate Studies Program and professor of English at Northwestern Oklahoma State University.

Dr. Shawn Holliday is the associate dean of the Graduate Studies Program and professor of English at Northwestern Oklahoma State University.

Dr. Shawn Holliday, associate dean of the Northwestern Oklahoma State University Graduate Studies Program and professor of English, recently displayed his knowledge at the 20th Biennial International Hemingway Conference sponsored by The Hemingway Society.

Holliday chaired the session, “Hemingway and Sports,” and also delivered the paper, “Reading Ernest Hemingway's ‘A Pursuit Race’ Within the Context of Burlesque History and Tradition.” The conference ran from July 14 – 20 in San Sebastian and Bilbao, Spain.

Dr. Holliday also had three Hemingway articles accepted for publication this spring. “The Torrents of Spring and the Beginning of the Hemingway Myth" was accepted by the The Arizona Quarterly and was published this summer for the fall issue.

His article, "Collective, Personal, and Cultural Memory in Ernest Hemingway’s ‘Now I Lay Me,’” was accepted by The Lamar Journal of the Humanities and will be published in September.

Holliday’s articles, “The Liminal Function of Beds and the Burlesque in Ernest Hemingway’s ‘A Pursuit Race,’ “The Killers, and ‘Ten Indians’” have been accepted by The Hemingway Review for publication in fall 2025.

To contact Holliday about research or scholarship opportunities, email spholliday@nwosu.edu or call (580) 327-8589.

For more information on the Northwestern Graduate Studies program, visit www.nwosu.edu/graduate-studies or contact Melissa Brown, Graduate Studies enrollment and retention coordinator, at mbrown@nwosu.edu or (580) 327-8410.

For more information on the English, Foreign Languages and Humanities Department, visit www.nwosu.edu/school-of-arts-and-sciences/english-foreign-language-and-humanities, or contact Dr. Roxie James, department chair and associate professor of English, at rjjames@nwosu.edu or (580) 327-8474.


Sean J. Doherty, University Relations Specialist

sjdoherty@nwosu.edu | 580-327-8480

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