International Students Offering Annual Festival of Cultures April 5

March 28, 2019

International Students Offering Annual Festival of Cultures April 5

International food, culture and performances will be available for enjoyment at Northwestern Oklahoma State University on Friday, April 5, at 7 p.m. in the Student Center Ballroom during the annual Festival of Cultures and is open to the public.

This event brings Northwestern international students together with campus and community members to share food and information about the students’ home countries. The public is encouraged to attend and learn about different cultures that have come together at Northwestern. Students will perform ethnic dances, songs and more.

“With the decreasing number of international students due to strict visa requirements, this event is even more precious to us, and I am excited that we are able to host this event at Northwestern again,” Becca Cook, international student adviser, said. “We are thrilled to have the help of SGA and our new Culinary Club, who are cooking a few dishes to add to the variety and fun.

“We had a sold out crowd last year, and we are hoping to meet this goal again this year. We are grateful to have the support of our fellow Rangers and community members who come out to this event and look forward to seeing them on April 5.”

Tickets to the event for adults age 13 and up are $10. Tickets for Northwestern students (with ID) and children ages 4-12 are $5, and children under 4 are free. The International Student Association encourages everyone to purchase tickets in advance to assist in their preparations. 

Tickets may be purchased at the Student Services front desk located on the first floor of Fine Arts or the day of the event at the door for $2 extra per ticket. Proceeds for the event go toward next year’s event, and 15 percent of the proceeds are placed in a scholarship fund to help future international students at Northwestern.  

“This year will feature performances from Nigeria, Nepal, South Africa, and others, as well as food from countries never featured before at Northwestern,” Joseph Allotey, a sophomore from Accra, Ghana, and secretary of the International Student Association, said. “The trivia segment was a crowd favorite from last year and will be included this year as well with even more questions and prizes. See you there!"

The festival will have 12 different dishes and at least five performances/presentations from countries including Bangladesh, Nepal, South Africa and more. The event is sponsored by the International Student Association.

For tickets or more information contact the International Student office at (580) 327-8435 or


Erin Davis, University Relations Specialist, 580-327-8480

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